Sunday, July 7, 2024

Inject nothing!


medicine pharmaceuticals vaccines injuries recovery downward trend safety effectiveness unaccountability legal immunity biofascism population control

A brief report from a stunning recent lecture on health

I’ll try to keep this as short as possible, but the charts speak volumes. I’ve also included links to further resources for anyone inclined to dig deeper.

We've all been educated to accept as truth the idea that vaccines are safe and effective. In fact, this has become a cultural "fact" of advanced societies and we're encouraged to never question or doubt it. But the Covid 19 pandemic brought vaccines to focus and an increasing proportion of people are now inclined to question their effectiveness and safety.

Over the last three years I have participated in bi-weekly zoom meetings of a group of medical professionals focused on rigorous scientific review of many issues pertaining to public health, including vaccines. Among the lecturers, we had dozens of high-caliber experts like Carrie Madej, Pierre Kory, Sucharit Bhakdi, Wolfgang Wodarg, Peter McCullough, and many, many others. I thought I had heard as much information as I could digest about the subject matter, until…

Last month we had a presentation by the British data scientist Craig Paardekooper (the whole 2h presentation is available at link) which may have been among the most important of all these lectures. Paardekooper, who created the website How Bad is My Batch, analyzed data from the US VAERS database which contains extensive records of adverse reactions to vaccines.

Among other things, he focused on the reports' "recovery" status. Namely, for people who reported an adverse reaction, they can also report whether they have recovered or not by entering either a YES (I have recovered from the adverse reaction) or a NO (I have not recovered).  Paardekooper counted all these yeses and nos for every year from 1991 to 2022 for all ages between 0.08 and 85 years old. His full data analysis of the VAERS database can be found at the following link:

The charts Paardekooper put together tell an astonishing story.  (more...)

Inject nothing!

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