Monday, July 8, 2024

Does McGill University deny that Palestinians have a right to resist oppression?


Canada McGill University encampment oppression resistance Palestine solidarity repression encampment protest

Canadian universities and their Zionist allies engage in law-fare

From the day that the McGill encampment was established more than two months ago, McGill University’s administration and its Zionist allies have sought to end the encampment through litigation.

On May 1st, however, Quebec Superior Court Justice Chantal Massé rejected an injunction application filed by two pro-Israel McGill students.

Two weeks later, McGill itself took a kick at the litigation can. It sought its own injunction requiring that the camp be dismantled, but Quebec Superior Court Justice Marc St-Pierre ruled that McGill had not demonstrated an urgent need for the injunction.

As I reported several days ago, a similar request by the University of Toronto (UofT) succeeded earlier this month, but not on the grounds that the UofT encampment was violent or antisemitic. In fact, the Ontario Court explicitly rejected that allegation.

Rather, Ontario Superior Court Justice Marcus Koehnen ruled that the UofT encampment interfered unduly with the university’s property rights. Importantly, Justice Koehnen stressed that UofT’s administration had committed to allow peaceful pro-Palestine protests on its campus between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm.  (more...)

Does McGill University deny that Palestinians have a right to resist oppression?

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