Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Israeli Foreign Influence Campaign Must Be Investigated: CJPME


Canada Israel foreign influence impunity fake websites social media accounts Ambassador crime Gaza genocide politics public opinion

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is calling on Parliament to investigate Israeli foreign influence in Canada, following the alarming discovery that Israel has been covertly targeting Canadians with racist anti-Muslim messages. According to multiple media reports, the Israeli government has funded and orchestrated a secret foreign influence campaign targeting Canadians and Americans, using fake websites and social media accounts to demonize Canadian Palestinians and Muslims. CJPME further urges the government to act against Israel’s documented pattern of foreign interference by summoning and expelling Israel’s Ambassador to Canada.

“It is outrageous that the Israeli government has been engaging in foreign influence with total impunity, using front organizations to directly target Canadians with racist and anti-Muslim messages in an attempt to sway public support in favour of genocide,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “Not only is it necessary for Parliament to investigate Israel’s covert targeting of Canadians, but the government must take a stand against this egregious behaviour by expelling the Israeli ambassador,” Bueckert added.

As reported by Haaretz and the New York Times, Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs has funded and orchestrated a large-scale influence campaign targeting progressives in Canada and the US, as well as Black US lawmakers. The Israeli government commissioned a political marketing firm in Tel Aviv to create fake English-language websites, including one called United Citizens for Canada (archived URL), as well as hundreds of fake social media accounts powered by ChatGPT, to spread racist and pro-Israel messages. An investigation by Fake Reporter described the campaign’s messaging as “portraying Canadian citizens of Islamic origin as a threat to Western values and suggesting that Muslims in Canada seek to implement Sharia law.”  (more...)

Israeli Foreign Influence Campaign Must Be Investigated: CJPME

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