Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Silencing US Jewish Critics of Zionism


Judaism criticism Zionism opposition Palestine solidarity Not in Our Name history Gaza genocide cease-fire America peace activists

For over a century, some American Jews have modeled the idea that unqualified support for Israel and Zionism was “not in our name”

Since October 2023, American Jews have been engaged in an intense, fractious debate over Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip.

Media reports say that American Jews are experiencing “the great rupture,” widening “rifts,” and stand at a “moral, political crossroads.”

While most American Jews remain broadly supportive of Israel, others have protested vigorously against U.S. support for Israel and are demanding a cease-fire in the Gaza war. They carry signs saying “Not in Our Name.”

Their slogan highlights the fact that American foreign aid to Israel has long relied on the support of American Jews. Unqualified U.S. support for Israel was built, in part, on the promise that Israel kept American Jews — and all Jews — safe, especially after the Holocaust.

But American Jews have never been entirely unified in their support for Israel or in their visions of what role Israel and Palestine should play in American Jewish life.  (more...)

Silencing US Jewish Critics of Zionism

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