Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A pro-longing mental health and suicide crisis at UofT is extremely concerning


Canada University of Toronto mental health suicide students psychological warfare oppression racism complicity genocide Palestine crisis

University of Toronto has a dark history of neglecting student mental health. Now at the current student led encampment on King’s College, students face psychological warfare and threats of violence from their administration.

At least five suicides have taken place at the University of Toronto’s (UofT’s) Bahen Centre for Information Technology. The building has become a cruel reminder for the university’s dark reputation for neglecting mental health care. Data from annual UofT Campus Safety reports show that cases of suicide/suicide attempts more than doubled in 2022 compared to 2021 (14 vs 6). 

Instead of addressing the root causes of mental health issues, the UofT administration is focused on introducing superficial reforms (such as changing the name of Campus Police to Campus Safety). Worse, they appear to be taking more carceral approaches to addressing student concerns. Racialized and international students are disproportionately more likely to be subjected to hostile actions by the UofT administration. 

These problematic trends have been laid bare in the UofT administration’s response to the genocide in Palestine. In addition to systematically disregarding the wellbeing of Palestinian students, the UofT administration has opted to take punitive actions against students protesting UofT’s complicity in genocidal profiteering. In doing so, the UofT administration is critically worsening the mental health situation on its campuses.  (more...)

A pro-longing mental health and suicide crisis at UofT is extremely concerning

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