Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle responds to flawed 'study' used to justify unvaccinated segregation


University of Toronto academic fraud modelling bias deception vaccination coercion Ontario Canada pseudoscience isolation exclusion quarantine

Allegations of professional misconduct and scientific misrepresentation abound after vaccinated versus unvaccinated article goes viral.

In this follow-up report, I am going to discuss the vaccinated versus unvaccinated claims espoused by the mainstream media with credentialed expert in the field of vaccinology, immunology and virology, Dr. Bryam Bridle who calls it a misrepresentation of the facts.

In less than 48 hours after the original “study” hit mainstream news, there have been multiple publications refuting these assumption-based findings. Bridle’s rebuttal, titled “Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred,” approaches the deeply flawed article from an immunological standpoint.

The first flaring error that he points out is the assumption that unvaccinated people only have 20% baseline immunity. Sourcing a robust, peer-reviewed paper, Bridle notes that a more evidence-based number would be in the ~90+% range. For arguments sake, he changed this one assumption in the model to a more practical number and “it flips the entire thing on its head.”

By adjusting even just one assumption to a more practical real-world number, the modeling then reflects what the real world data is showing.  (more...)

Immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle responds to flawed 'study' used to justify unvaccinated segregation

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