Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Lucis Trust: Satanism and the new world order


Lucis Trust Luciferianism United Nations Satanism globalism New World Order occult Blavatsky Bailey

A powerful wing of the Anglo-American Establishment is currently under investigation by this news service for its role in promoting the cults of Satanism and Luciferianism, for spawning an entire subculture of drug-induced violence believed to be behind the recent pattern of hideous ritual murders. As Dianne Core, a leading British expert in the battle against Satanism, put it recently, "We are in the middle of spiritual warfare, and the Satanic weapons are all pointed at the young."

It is no coincidence, that this wing of the Establishment includes many of the leading advocates of a New Yalta deal with Moscow-top figures of the United Nations bureaucracy, and leading elite families. As we document below, they even look to Mikhail Gorbachov as the premier world cult leader in what they call their "Externalized Hierarchy." In this article, the first of an ongoing series, we present a dossier of some of the principal institutions and individuals behind this evil "New Age" movement.

The reader will learn, how behind the oh-so-nice U.N. brochures and talk about "peace, " some of the leading figures of this grouping have been exposed as practising the most obscene homosexual and child pornography rituals imaginable. Take the notorious case of Canon Edward West, the coordinator of the American association of the Most Venerable Order of St. John. Eyewitness accounts indicate that during the 1980s, he was a frequent participant in obscene sexual rituals at homosexual S&M clubs in Manhattan, including the Mineshaft and the Hellfire Club (named after an 18th-century English secret Satanic society). Favorite "entertainment" at the Mineshaft included having children urinate on the patrons. In the mid-1980s, the club was shut down, following an investigation by the New York Police Department, which found links to organized crime circles, including those of John Zaccaro, the husband of 1984 Democratic vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro.

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the medieval temple of the Episcopalian Archdiocese of New York, has become the mother institution of the New Age movement in the United States, whose goal is to eclipse the Age of Pisces (Christianity) with an Age of Aquarius (Lucifer). The presiding bishop of the cathedral, Bishop Paul Moore, whose family is heir to the Nabisco company fortune, has been in the forefront of creating this Satanic "new world order," since at least the late 1950s, when, as a priest in Indianapolis, Indiana, he gave the "People's Temple" cult of Jim Jones its start.

Later in 1977, Bishop Moore rocked the Christian world, when he ordained a militant lesbian, Ellen Marie Barrett, who told Time magazine that it was her lesbian love affair that gave her strength to serve God. Bishop Moore claims that the ordination of lesbians, and his other Gnostic heresies, are merely part of the ongoing revelation of God's truth to man by the Holy Spirit, which had been prophesied by the Disciple John.  (more...)

The Lucis Trust: Satanism and the new world order

1 comment:

  1. Keep up your good work and don't slack off. We need the truth to be told,.


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