Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Nazi Closet: Upper Canada College probing anti-Semitic incident

Upper Canada College says it is treating an alleged “anti- Semitic” incident between students “extremely seriously” but cautions the public shouldn’t rush to judgment until all the facts are in.

“There was an incident and it is being actively investigated,” Marnie Peters, UCC director of marketing and communications, said.

Peters would not offer specific details but confirmed Toronto Police were contacted.

But sources close to the school say it revolves around students in Grades 6 and 7 and a locker being sprayed with anti-Semitic insults and drawings.

Peters confirmed prestigious UCC did send a letter home to parents.  (more...)

Wouldn't think that Toronto is a hotbed of heartfelt Naziism.

In other Lügenpresse news:

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