Saturday, June 29, 2024

Israel is stoking all-out war, and Canada is complicit


Canada Israel war complicity colonialism belligerence genocide Gaza escalation militarization fascism arms shipments warmongering imperialism war crimes

Far from ending the genocide in Gaza, Israel continues its assault with the military and diplomatic backing of Western states

Israel’s genocide in Gaza is catapulting the Middle East, and the broader world, toward further destabilization. Only a few months ago, open war between Israel and Iran seemed like a possibility. Now, all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah may send the region careening into further chaos and uncertainty.

Following the Hamas-led October 7 attacks, military clashes between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah along the Lebanon-Israel border have been nearly daily occurrences. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced. In recent weeks, however, things have escalated.

On June 7, Hezbollah declared that, for the first time in its history, it had used an anti-aircraft missile to force an Israeli jet to retreat from Lebanese airspace. As William Christou writes in The New Arab, Hezbollah’s use of anti-aircraft weaponry is a “revelation.” Christou explains:

Prior to the advent of the new anti-aircraft missile, Hezbollah’s most advanced air defence feat was the downing of an Israeli helicopter in the 2006 war—something which does not require advance weaponry. Hezbollah’s possession of more sophisticated anti-aircraft technology would mean Israel could not conduct aerial sorties over the country with abandon as it previously had.  (more...)

Israel is stoking all-out war, and Canada is complicit

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