Friday, June 28, 2024

Why no ‘responsibility to protect’ Palestinians?


Canada hypocrisy duplicity responsibility to protect globalist agenda imperialism pretense Palestine Libya Haiti cynicism

Canada’s “humanitarian” interventionists clamor for military intervention to overthrow governments in black and brown nations but want Palestinians victimized by Israeli violence put under UN trusteeship.

As Israel has unleashed a holocaust in Gaza the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) crowd have stayed mum. As children’s heads were blown off in Rafah 48 hours after the International Court of Justice demanded Israel “immediately halt” its onslaught on the besieged city Ali Abunimah noted: “if the ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrine for military force had any validity or consistency, it would be invoked now. But instead, all the ‘R2P’ frauds like Samantha J Power are silent because all it ever was a cover for US aggression under ‘humanitarian’ cover.”

R2P was a showpiece of the previous Jean Chretien and Paul Martin governments’ foreign policy. In September 2000 then Liberal foreign affairs minister Lloyd Axworthy launched the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, which presented its final report, The Responsibility to Protect, to the UN in December 2001. At the organization’s 2005 World Summit, Canada advocated that world leaders endorse the new doctrine. It asserts that where gross human rights abuses are occurring, it is the duty of the international community to intervene, over and above considerations of state sovereignty. The doctrine asserts that “the principle of non-intervention yields to the international responsibility to protect.”  (more...)

Why no ‘responsibility to protect’ Palestinians?

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