Wednesday, August 2, 2023

FTR#1306 Where’s Nuremburg?


CIA LSD radiation ultrasonics human experiments MK-ULTRA lawlessness mind control Nazi Nuremburg

Intro­duc­tion: Exper­i­ment­ing on human beings with­out their knowl­edge and/or con­sent is for­bid­den by the Nurem­burg code. Nonethe­less, the U.S. nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment has been doing just that as a mat­ter of course in the years since World War II.

Hav­ing import­ed many Nazi Ger­many’s and Impe­r­i­al Japan’s war crim­i­nals, the U.S. was on track to insti­tu­tion­al­ize exper­i­ment­ing on unwit­ting human sub­jects by the end of the Sec­ond World War.

This pro­gram doc­u­ments some of the exper­i­ments and the pro­grams which gave rise to such oper­a­tions:

Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: CIA researched the occult in what Hank Albarel­li spec­u­lates may have been a research project inspired by the Nazi Ahnenerbe; The agency researched var­i­ous ways of caus­ing can­cer and the effects of var­i­ous lev­els of stress on those suf­fer­ing from the dis­ease; Both the CIA and the Army researched the effects of radi­a­tion on human beings in a vari­ety of clan­des­tine exper­i­ments; The CIA’s “Human Ecol­o­gy” research projects embraced a wide vari­ety of exper­i­men­tal projects designed to learn how to con­trol and mod­i­fy human behav­ior; Ver­mont-based doc­tor Robert Hyde was among the pre­mier researchers to test LSD on human sub­jects, some in projects the details of which have not been ful­ly dis­closed.  (more...)

FTR#1306 Where’s Nuremburg?

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