Monday, December 12, 2022

Barry and Honey Sherman’s daughter pleads for help to solve parents’ murder


Canada Toronto Barry Honey Sherman murder unsolved pharmaceuticals Apotex crime unaccountability opaqueness cover-up police dereliction

One of the four children of slain billionaires Barry and Honey Sherman issued an emotional plea for help in solving her parents’ murder.

“Five years ago, on Dec. 13, 2017, my beloved parents, Honey and Barry Sherman, were brutally murdered in their Toronto home,” Alexandra Krawczyk said in a written statement. “So far there has been no justice for them and no closure for me and my family.”

Barry Sherman, founder of Apotex, and his wife Honey were found in a macabre position in their Toronto home, belts around their necks and seated beside the basement swimming pool. They had been strangled. The day their bodies were discovered, Alexandra and her husband, Brad Krawczyk, were expecting them over for a Hanukkah dinner. Instead, Alexandra found herself hosting family and friends at her home, as rumours swirled that police thought her parents might have died in a murder-suicide. Toronto Police Service announced it was a double murder six weeks later, following an investigative report by the Toronto Star.

“My heart is broken. My loss is immeasurable. My children have lost their grandparents. We miss their guidance, love, and wisdom,” Krawczyk said in her statement.

Police still say the Sherman case is an open and active investigation and recently told the Star they are seeking information in five different countries that they believe will help them in their probe.  (more...)

Barry and Honey Sherman’s daughter pleads for help to solve parents’ murder

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