Tuesday, August 18, 2020

NAUGHTY NAZIS: Hitler Youth rallies an orgy of sexual hijinks


history Nazi Germany pregnancy abortion girls

Hitler Youth rallies were an orgy of hormone-charged hijinks in addition to a heaping, helping of hate, a new exhibit reveals.

The project at the Nazi Documentation Centre in Cologne pulls back the curtain for the first time on Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls (BDM).

Both were established in 1936 and all German children aged 10 to 18 were obliged to participate. The idea was to provide wholesome activities to build character.

And also to brainwash the 9 million children involved, who made dictator Adolf Hitler their rock star.

But the exhibit reveals that the carnal capers at mixed-gender rallies were far from wholesome.

After the notorious Nuremberg Rally in 1938, the exhibit reveals that 900 teenaged girls became pregnant. The prudish Nazi poohbahs were not pleased by the Teutonic trysts and ordered the girls to have abortions.  (more...)

NAUGHTY NAZIS: Hitler Youth rallies an orgy of sexual hijinks

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