Sunday, October 20, 2024

Top Polish Media Laments Their Country Being Excluded From The Ukrainian End Game


Poland NATO Ukraine victory plan false friends Germany US Britain Italy Romania Zelensky dupe

Idealist policymakers didn’t realize that they were being exploited by Ukraine, Germany, and the US, and there’s little they can do to rectify this even if they finally learn their lesson.

Polish journalist Witold Jurasz published a commentary on Onet, which is his country’s largest online media platform, titled “What's in the secret annexes of Zelensky's plan? Poland just dropped out of the game”. He’s one of his country’s leading journalists and broke the story last month about the argument that Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski had with Zelensky over military aid and the Volhynia Genocide dispute during his latest trip to Kiev. That toxified their ties and set the stage for what was to follow.

Jurasz drew attention to how Zelensky didn’t include Poland in the list of countries that were given the secret annex to his “Victory Plan” according to what the Ukrainian leader revealed during his speech about this to the Rada last week. It was only shared with the US, the UK, France, Italy, and Germany. Jurasz also mentioned how Zelensky offered the G7 special investment opportunities, and seeing as how Poland isn’t an individual member of that bloc, he also noted that it’d been excluded from that too.

This top journalist, who used to serve as his country’s chargé d'affaires in Belarus and is thus considered to still be very well connected to the Polish Foreign Ministry (from which he was presumably told about last month’s scandal in Kiev), then shared some harsh commentary about all of this.  (more...)

Top Polish Media Laments Their Country Being Excluded From The Ukrainian End Game

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