Sunday, October 13, 2024

“A Republic if we can Phoenix it” - Bret Weinstein’s Tavistock Cure to Save the “Demented” West by Burning the Village to Save the Village


Tavistock mental hygiene Phoenix Programme Vietnam creative destruction shock doctrine technocracy cybernetics social engineering

And How Eric Weinstein is in charge of lighting that Fire through a Manufactured Migration Crisis

“When children absorb the content of their culture, it isn’t just facts and skills, the most important things we pass between generations are myths; stories that are so powerfully important they are encoded in a special sacred layer. And in our case, the myth we need comes to us from the Greeks, the founders of the ancient West. The one from which the modern West ultimately emerged.

It is the story of the Phoenix.

A mystical bird that instead of making chicks lights its nest ablaze and raises anew from the ashes. Watching the modern West burn, I believe it is no accident that this story points us to a hidden solution, a remedy for which we just so happen to have the ingredients.

In 1787 Ben Franklin was asked if the constitutional convention had produced a monarchy or a republic and Franklin famously replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Today…What we must deliver is a Republic if we can Phoenix it.

… And so in closing I ask you to think about the job we must do to Phoenix our Republic…It is for such moments that the Hopi Elders tell us - we are the ones we have been waiting for.”

-          Bret Weinstein’s closing of his speech at the Rescue the Republic event Sept. 29, 2024

“It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”

-          quote from an American Major during the Vietnam War, reported by journalist Peter Arnett

The shocking statement “A Republic if we can Phoenix it” was how Bret Weinstein decided to end his speech during the “Rescue the Republic” event in Washington DC this past Sept. 29, 2024 – followed by an unblinking audience who clapped and cheered loudly with clearly no understanding whatsoever of what Bret was in fact calling for.

Bret was prescribing a cure for the West’s “demented” “senility” - where death and destruction were the “hidden solution” and that we “just happen to have the ingredients” for. The ingredients for a crisis that is to see the West burn. And we have Bret’s brother Eric who has played a leading role in manufacturing the migrant crisis hitting the United States as we speak to thank for those very “ingredients”. But more on that later.

Let us first start with the relevance of Bret’s emphasis on the Phoenix as our myth, our story, that we now need to embrace in order to “save the Republic.” ...

The symbol of the Phoenix within the United States should already be well-known, in fact, it should be infamous. It was the symbol chosen by the CIA to represent Operation Phoenix that was executed during the Vietnam War.

This is how the phrase “burn the village to save the village” became known around the world. After all, the program was named after the Phoenix for that very reason. According to the myth, the Phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes after it dies in a blaze of fiery flames before being born again.

Weinstein adds that it can only create anew by lighting its nest on fire – for which he is clearly calling for the West to light itself on fire in order to “save itself.”

That is, the Phoenix can only achieve Birth through Destruction and thus, so must we, if we accept this as our creation myth.  (more...)

“A Republic if we can Phoenix it” - Bret Weinstein’s Tavistock Cure to Save the “Demented” West by Burning the Village to Save the Village

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