Friday, August 9, 2024

Toronto ‘charity’ trains students to join the Israeli military


Canada IDF illegal recruitment charitable status crime Toronto Bnei Akiva high school lawlessness genocide occupation oppression war

A 20-year-old Torontonian is in a coma after suffering an injury while fighting with the Israeli military. His high school should lose its charitable status and its officials investigated for violating Canada’s Foreign Enlistment Act.

On July 24, Ben Brown was reportedly hit by shrapnel from Hezbollah rocket fire while on an army base in the illegally occupied Shebaa Farms or Mount Dov. Brown joined the Israeli military after attending Toronto’s Bnei Akiva (Or Chaim) high school. In a recent podcast about his injury, the Canadian Jewish News replayed parts of a three-year-old interview with Brown’s older brother, Zach, headlined “lone soldier from Canada serving in the IDF”. In it Zach, who attended the same school as his brother, boasts about how he was the “top sharpshooter” in a company of the Kfir brigade, which he described as “a combat unit that primarily specializes in urban warfare in the West Bank”. In the illegally occupied territory, Zach said he participated in “ambushes” and “many arrests” while leading “countless countless checkpoints” and having “lots of experiences in the army to say the least”.

Alongside other Canadians currently fighting in the Israeli military, Zach Brown should be investigated by the RCMP for violating Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. At the same time, those responsible for Bnei Akiva Schools should be investigated for violating the Foreign Enlistment Act, which states that “any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person or body of persons to enlist or to accept any commission or engagement in the armed forces of any foreign state or other armed forces operating in that state is guilty of an offence.”

In the podcast about Ben Brown’s injury the family’s rabbi tells the Canadian Jewish News reporter that the brothers’ joined the IOF partly because of the “education they received at” Bnei Akiva Schools. In a more startling revelation, the mother of one of Zach’s classmates at Or Chaim says “a quarter of the class” joined the Israeli military. It’s outrageous that a quarter of these Toronto teenagers traveled halfway across the world to join an occupation force committing a holocaust in Gaza.  (more...)

Toronto ‘charity’ trains students to join the Israeli military

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