Friday, March 15, 2024

The USA, and Other People


America Israel genocide history British Empire revolution progress industry Native Peoples indigenous slavery displacement apartheid Palestine

The United States has been continuously arming Israel to bomb and starve the Palestinians, while blocking international non-violent efforts to halt the killing. We are fomenting other wars and insurrections and nation-destroying sanctions. This killing policy leads to suicide for the USA, for Israel and Ukraine, and for humanity.

Authentic history teaches us that at some times in our past, America believed in increasing the whole world’s security, to prevent universal catastrophe. This coincided with a policy of building up human productive power and raising wages. We are the nation of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, and we often did great things which brought us almost universal admiration abroad.

Our present course is erasing our nation, that nation. Yet perhaps our outstanding accomplishments could give us hope that we will act to deserve that admiration again.

To help us toward that worthy goal, I want to present a morally difficult idea, concerning our history with those we call Native Americans.

My work shows in detail how we defied the British Empire and the associated imperial system to build up our industries and our strategic power. My work demonstrates that when we did that, we overcame the imperial cheap labor policy, with our own economic nationalism and cooperation with other rising powers. This was our unique pro-human anti-imperial policy, which spread to other countries and brought widespread modern times.

But our government and our people have almost always persecuted the Native Americans, broken all our promises to them, taken their land, and their resources and never seriously attempted to offer them a place in our society.

Yet outsiders settling in the already-occupied Western Hemisphere, and introducing a new way of life, does not mean killing those who were living here. The basic premise of the anti-Malthusian American System (and of pro-human religion) is that there is land and nature sufficient for all to live very well.

The case is somewhat different with African slavery. The slavery system, a part of imperialism, held back our industrialization by politically defeating the economic nationalists -- until those nationalists overthrew slavery in the Civil War. But our economic nationalists did little to stop the persecution and robbery of the Native peoples.  (more...)

The USA, and Other People

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