Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Pro-Palestinian rally on Purim calling for Israeli arms embargo draws heavy police presence


Canada Toronto Palestine solidarity arms embargo demonstration protest rally Purim Judaism police Gaza genocide activism

A rally led in part by anti-Zionist Jews celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim was labelled beforehand as antisemitic by pro-Israel groups and individuals. Police showed up in force. Two arrests were made, including of an individual who allegedly yelled “white power” at the crowd and assaulted someone.

A rally organized to call an end to military trade between Canada and Israel took place in Toronto on Sunday, Mar. 24, starting at the intersection of Yonge and St. Clair.

The demonstration was organized by a group of pro-Palestinian groups, including Showing Up for Racial Justice – Toronto (SURJ-TO), Palestinian Youth Movement – Toronto, World Beyond War Toronto, Toronto-St. Paul’s for Palestine and Jews Say No to Genocide (JSNTG), which is a coalition of four Jewish groups and includes Jewish members of two other groups.

The demonstration was also planned to coincide with Purim, a Jewish holiday commemorating the saving of Jewish people from extermination in biblical times. Contemporary Purim celebrations are often raucous, and many people dress up in costumes.

Gur Tsabar, a spokesperson for JSNTG who also attended the march, described his personal experience with Purim, and says it offered a way to positively join Jewish values with solidarity with Palestine.  (more...)

Pro-Palestinian rally on Purim calling for Israeli arms embargo draws heavy police presence

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