Friday, March 1, 2024

Middle East Analyst EXPOSES Media’s Israel Bias


media bias Israel middle east analysis cover-up whitewashing genocide Gaza deflection suicide mental health military

Assal Rad discusses the media's biased treatment of Aaron Bushnell as well as Palestinians. 

Dr. Assal Rad is a scholar of Middle East history. She works on research and writing related to U.S. foreign policy issues, the Middle East, and contemporary Iran. Her writing can be seen in Newsweek, The National Interest, The Independent, Foreign Policy and more, and she has appeared as a commentator on BBC World, Al Jazeera, CNN, and NPR. She completed a PhD in History from the University of California, Irvine in 2018 and is the author of The State of Resistance: Politics, Culture, and Identity in Modern Iran (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

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