Friday, September 29, 2023

Louis Feutren - An Appeal to St Conleth's


Ireland Nazi teacher war criminal death sentence Catholic ratline evasion injustice abuse psychological torture children history

Oberscharführer Louis Feutren was sentenced to death by a court in Rennes in 1945 during the trial against his "Bretonische Waffenverband der SS" unit (unofficially known as "Bezen Perrot") for crimes against French partisans and Jews. He evaded imprinsoment by escaping to Ireland. He was the French teacher at St Conleth's, a school in Dublin, from the mid-1950s to the mid-1980s. He is rembered by many pupils for his cruel corporal punishment and psychological abuse. I was one of his students. Everyone at the school knew, from headmaster to pupils that he was a conivcted Nazi. I have requested St Conleth's to issue a public apology for having inflicted this war criminal on its students for so long.

Uki Goñi

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