Tuesday, April 13, 2021

America's Trojan-horse at the heart of the Canadian government: Chrystia Freeland and Canadian imperialism


Ukraine Nazi ratlines Paperclip Canada proxies fascism war crimes imperialism corporate minions thugs

The Canadian government’s complicity in bringing Nazis into Canada at the end of World War II is a little known fact. This was after all the beginning of the Cold War and Nazi elements were considered essential for the purpose of crushing Communists and trade unions in Canada. It is noteworthy that Canada took in more Nazis at the end of World War II than Jews attempting to escape Nazi persecution in Europe during the Second World War. 

Frederick Charles Blair, director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources, expressed Canada’s more or less official immigration policy regarding Jews when answering the question of allowing Jews fleeing the Nazis into Canada with, “None is too many.”

At the same time the United States, which had also systematically barred Jews from entering during the war, brought thousands of Nazi scientists, engineers, military personnel and concentration camp guards into the U.S. through ‘Operation Paperclip.’ “The Americans were particularly interested in scientists specialising in aerodynamics, rocketry, medicine, chemical weapons and chemical reactions”..

Lev Golinkin, writing in The Nation states:

Unlike the Jews they had tortured and murdered, these Holocaust perpetrators got to settle down, start families, work, live, and die in peace. Along the way, they rebranded themselves as “victims of Communism” and “freedom fighters” to whitewash their bloody pasts. Once in a while you hear about one of them—some of the last remaining Nazis in the United States were Ukrainian—but most went on to live unmolested and free in North America.

A good many of these Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada. It is estimated that some 2,000 Ukrainian Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada.  (more...)

America's Trojan-horse at the heart of the Canadian government: Chrystia Freeland and Canadian imperialism

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