In September 2024, MintPress News exposed how Project Shema, an Israel lobby group closely aligned with the notorious Anti-Defamation League (ADL), infiltrated U.S. public schools, seeking to inculcate pupils and teachers alike in liberal Zionist dogma and stifle debate and dissent on Tel Aviv’s deadly war on Gaza, under the bogus aegis of battling anti-Jewish hatred. Fast forward to today, and Project Shema has quietly trained its crosshairs on the unlikeliest of targets – the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).
Readers would be forgiven for being unfamiliar with AASECT. Founded in 1967, the organization publishes peer-reviewed journals on sex education and therapy and maintains a directory of certified sexual health practitioners, helping connect those in need with appropriate assistance. Its membership runs to a few thousand people, comprising medical professionals, psychologists, marriage counselors, family planning specialists, lawyers, students, and others. While a highly respected institution in the field, AASECT is not on the mainstream radar and will be wholly unknown to many Americans.
This begs the obvious question of how and why the organization ended up in the Israel lobby’s crosshairs. It is a deeply sordid tale, spelled out in often shocking detail in material provided to MintPress News by a whistleblower within AASECT, who wishes to remain anonymous. The documentation shows Project Shema inserting itself into the Association was the culmination of long-running, determined and intensely malign efforts by Zionists within the organization’s ranks to force AASECT to adopt a pro-Israel stance and neutralize internal Palestinian solidarity.
Along the way, dissenting AASECT members were viciously attacked and ostracized, their concerns ignored, and the organization’s leadership successfully bullied again and again into capitulating to the excessive, unreasonable demands from Israel’s backers. At one stage, the Association’s president outright resigned due to the pressure. Ever since AASECT’s internal discussion platforms have been heavily moderated. Those speaking up for Palestine are censored, while Israeli propaganda talking points and unabashed Islamophobia abound without hindrance or rebuttal.
While AASECT may be a niche entity, the details of how it was aggressively brought to heel by the Israel lobby are of enormous wider relevance. Evidently, no sphere of public or professional life is off-limits to Zionist penetration and corruption. The tawdry saga should serve as an urgent warning to all who are sympathetic to the Palestinians’ plight. “Safe spaces” to express solidarity are ever-shrinking in every sphere – and your school, university, workplace, professional organization, or even social club could be next. (more...)
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