Thursday, September 19, 2024

Craig Hoyle: Discussion on his book Excommunicated


sects cults Plymouth Brethren family oppression coercion history indoctrination

Have you ever wondered how far back the crazy indoctrination goes inside the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church? Join Craig, Lindy, and Cheryl as we dive into Craig's riveting memoire 'Excommunicated'. This podcast was created for those inside the PBCC that don't have access to the astonishing revelations Craig reveals inside his book. Craig narrates poignant parts of chapters 1-7 as we dissect and discuss the ancestors of the Plymouth Brethren. We also dive into Aberdeen and include an audio for those inside that may not have access to the Aberdeen material. One thing is for certain, much has not changed over the last 200 years, except for the landscape.

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