Sunday, October 22, 2023

Dark history: How the US experimented on its own people


USA medical human experiments secrecy lawlessness unethical harms fatalities corruption crime deception scandal involuntary

For years, government-related institutes have experimented on their own citizens, mainly minorities, to serve their own interests. Infamous and not entirely disclosed, here are some of the most unethical operations done by the US on its own people and soil.

Several experiments conducted on human test subjects in the United States have been deemed unethical due to their execution without the subjects' knowledge or informed consent. These tests have occurred throughout American history, with some of them still being conducted today.

 These experiments encompass a range of activities, such as subjecting humans to chemical and biological weapons, including infections with lethal or incapacitating diseases. They also involve human radiation experiments, the administration of toxic and radioactive substances through injections, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a diverse array of other experimental procedures.

 A significant portion of these tests are conducted on children, individuals who are ill, and those with mental disabilities, often disguised as "medical treatment." Moreover, a considerable number of subjects in these studies are impoverished, members of racial minorities, or incarcerated individuals.

 Numerous experiments not only violated US laws but were also backed by government agencies or unauthorized factions within them, including the Centers for Disease Control, the United States military, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Additionally, some experiments were funded by private corporations engaged in military endeavors.

Reader, brace yourself as you are about to delve into a trove of ominous files that unveil the reality of the United States' self-interest at play.  (more...)

Dark history: How the US experimented on its own people

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