Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Tavistock Grin, John Rawlings Rees, and the CIA


Tavistock John Rawlings Rees psychological warfare CIA mind control Nazi

The Tavistock Grin is a term coined to connote the knowing grin -- the smile of John Rawlings Rees. This is the grin of men who engage in the most vicious forms of psychological warfare. These same men with that same grin commit crimes against humanity which make Hitler look like an amateur. With this issue we exhume the corpse of John Rawlings Rees, tracing the living trail of his followers and financiers. The Reesian method of fascist control is analyzed in The Real ClA -- The Rockefellers' Fascist Establishment, a polemic by L. Marcus. The history of Rees, the animal, the Tavistock Institute and the Reesians is documented in Low Intensity Operations: The Reesian Theory of War by M. Minnicino.

Tavistock John Rawlings Rees psychological warfare CIA mind control Nazi

In the May issue The Tavistock Grin will be concluded with two articles completing the overview of the Tavistock network. Rockefellers' Fascist Labor Policies by R. Freeman presents an extensive history of the Rockefeller control of the labor movement. P. Cuskie in The Shaping of An Anglo-American SS by War exposes the Reesian grand plan with which Rockefeller's cabal plan to run the world.

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