Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Roots of the Pale of Settlement


Judaism Sabbatean Frankism radicalism Bolshevism Ukraine Blavatsky Theosophy Likud Irgun terrorism occult gnosticism mysticism Rabbis Kabbalism Russophobia Nazi Crowley British Intelligence Napoleon Mithraism freemasonry KKK B'nai B'rith Hellfire Club Luciferianism human sacrifice elitism oligarchy Scottish Rite infiltration Zionism

In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and Matt dig into the roots of the Pale of Settlement.

Israel's Agenda for World Domination


Israel Britain heresy Zionism Luciferianism supremacy Rothschild world domination infiltration appropriation corruption crime human sacrifice Satanism oligarchy financial elite child trafficking Jerusalem Darby Scofield Evangelicals dispensationalism

Maria Zeee asks David Sorensen to reveal the agenda of Israel to set up a one world government, with its center in Jerusalem, from where a false Messiah would rule all of mankind. David explains how the Church has been infiltrated and hijacked to support this agenda. This interview is based on the highly revealing documentary "THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL" which is an absolute must watch:

Friday, June 21, 2024

How The Nazi Puppet Government Betrayed The French People


France Nazi collaborators Petain Laval WWII Germany Vichy crime puppet politics corruption history treason betrayal

After the fall of France in 1940, the Vichy government was created to collaborate with their captors and was detested by the French people. Guilty of selling out their own people to the Nazi's and by actively participating in the holocaust, after the liberation of France these people were not treated well.

A Space for Palestinians on Campus


Canada University of Toronto Palestine solidarity encampment student activism youth academia community

As a Palestinian student at the University of Toronto, the encampment has been the only place on campus where I feel we can talk about Palestine for what it is and what it can be

The University of Toronto Palestinian solidarity encampment, or the People’s Circle for Palestine, was set up on May 2 at 4 a.m.

The kitchen was soon set up, consisting of two big canopies with tables. Adjacent to it is the kitchen salon.

The salon was started two weeks into the camp as a space for the kitchen team to rest between services. We learned very quickly that the salon was not serving its intended purpose; rather, it became one of the central spaces of political conversation in the circle.

Everyone is there debating on religion, politics, and even what a free Palestine will look like. Everyone shares stories about where they come from, their families, and — my personal favourite — why they ended up at the encampment. If there aren’t enough chairs people will find coolers or buckets to sit on to join the conversation.

As a Gazan student, it reminds me of home. The kitchen as a central focus of culture and conversation seems only right at a Palestinian solidarity encampment.

Though, it’s not just at the salon. It’s the library, the information tent, the entry gates to the camp, and all the various third spaces we created to foster these conversations, which often go on very late into the night.  (more...)

A Space for Palestinians on Campus

Real scandal is undermining discussion of tax subsidies for Israel


smear Canada journalists Israel lobby Zionism tax subsidies deflection genocide charities lawlessness CRA

Is it a coincidence that a controversy about Niki Ashton’s expenses for a one-and-a-half-year-old trip to Quebec emerged after she challenged Canada’s biggest contribution to Palestinian dispossession?

On June 13 the NDP’s revenue critic hosted a press conference at the parliamentary press gallery calling “on the Liberal government to investigate Canadian charities that allegedly funneled taxpayer money in support of Israeli military operations and illegal settlements in Palestine.” After sponsoring a parliamentary petition on the subject, Ashton posted a letter she’d sent previously to Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau demanding the government investigate charities funding Israeli military operations in Gaza and illegal Israeli settlements. Ashton ended the May 27 post noting, “Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide.”

Ashton’s statement was referenced in a public letter headlined Stop Subsidizing Genocide signed by Gabor Mate, Yann Martel, Linda McQuaig, Roger Waters, Monia Mazigh, Amir Khadir, Desmond Cole, Libby Davies, Ellen Gabriel, Alex Neve and Sarah Jama. The letter calls into question the more than a quarter billion dollars a year sent to Israel and the Canada Revenue Agency’s failure to “enforce its rules on registered charities assisting foreign militaries, racist organizations and West Bank settlements.”

June 13 was set to be an important step forward for the Just Peace Advocates and Canadian Foreign Policy Institute led “colonialism is not charity” campaign that’s been gaining steam in Palestine solidarity circles. But the Ottawa press conference was upended by the revelation Ashton charged taxpayers $17,000 for a trip she took in December 2022. According to an article published that morning by CBC parliamentary bureau reporter John Paul Tasker, Ashton brought her husband and two young children with her on a trip over the Christmas period that took them to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. Ashton represents a northern Manitoba ridding so the airfare for the four of them cost $13,000. Ashton’s finances were okayed by the appropriate authorities, yet CBC Power and Politics did a 13-minute five-person discussion about Ashton’s expenses. The National Post, Winnipeg Sun, Truth North, Global News and Rebel News also reported on Ashton’s finances.  (more...)

Real scandal is undermining discussion of tax subsidies for Israel

The Mystery of Israel - Solved!


Israel Rothschild Luciferianism world domination death cult City of London finance Evangelicals Scofield Bible Darby  Jerusalem freemasonry politics Hamas false flag genocide

The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true.

This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity.

The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel.

Navi Pillay, head of UN COI: 'Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes'


UN Human Rights Council Israel war crimes Commission of Inquiry Occupied Palestine ICJ justice

At the #UN Human Rights Council, Navi Pillay, the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, asserted that “Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” in Gaza.

While "Israel" and its Western allies continue to disseminate false and debunked narratives on October 7, Pillay affirmed that Israeli occupation forces intentionally targeted Palestinian women, men, and boys to sexual violence.

Pillay also noted being denied access to #Gaza and occupied #Palestine, stressing, "I feel really bolstered by the fact that the International Court of Justice in the #SouthAfrica application has that as one of the key orders is to allow access to the UN's investigation team because everyone realizes you have to have reliable information for courts to act upon it.”

There is a war within each individual


Gaza genocide Israel ethnic cleansing oppression crimes against humanity despair trauma children starvation violence lawlessness

Arwa Damon, founder and president of NGO Inara, is in Gaza on a humanitarian mission for the second time.

She told Al Jazeera from Deir el-Balah that children are exhibiting signs of severe and traumatic psychological distress and pointed to a conversation told to her by a father with his five-year-old boy.

“Maybe it would have been better if we had just died and stayed at home rather than having to live like this,” she quoted the boy as saying. “[The father] was talking about how the next war is going to happen once the bombs stop.

“You hear this repeatedly over and over again. There is a war within each individual. Despite all of this madness and tragedy, it’s also providing a certain level of distraction from the true measure, scale and scope of everything that has been lost,” Damon said.

“The traumas, the triggers are relentless. There is no escaping, no respite, no room to breathe … no concept of a safe space,” she told Al Jazeera from Deir el-Balah.

The Rafah border crossing, the only evacuation point for Palestinians in Gaza has been blocked off.

She recalled a little boy who has a shrapnel injury to his abdomen. If he is unable to get out of Gaza for medical treatment, he will have a permanent disability or possibly die.

The British Zionist movement


Britain Zionism indoctrination brainwashing youth Lone Soldiers recruitment IDF Israel genocide colonialism ethnic cleansing displacement oppression racism dehumanization extremism crimes against humanity complicity

Launching pad for genocide

Dr. Miles Howe speaking on Canadian charities supporting war crimes


complicity Canada charities funding conduit Israel military Gaza genocide lawlessness CRA dereliction war crimes politics

Dr. Miles Howe speaking at NDP presser on June 13, calling the CRA to revoke Canadian charities providing tax payer subsidized funds to Israeli settlements and the Israeli Military


Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure: and the Mizrachi Organization of Canada

Details about Mizrachi Canada’s Funding of Israeli war crimes

$237.5 Million reported tax-payers subsidized fund to entities in Israel

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Top US Law Schools Present Undeniable Evidence of Israel’s Gaza Genocide


US law schools University Network for Human Rights UNHR genocide Gaza Israel Palestine solidarity activists mainstream media complicity whitewashing crimes against humanity academia

On May 15, the University Network for Human Rights (UNHR), a U.S.-based advocacy group training undergraduates in human rights law at colleges and universities worldwide to counter abusive state, corporate, or private conduct, published a 105-page analysis of international law and its application to Israel’s military actions since October 7, 2023. Drawing on extensive evidence and historical legal precedents, the findings leave no doubt that Israel has committed horrific breaches of the 1948 Genocide Convention in Gaza.

A collaborative effort by some of the West’s most prestigious law schools, the report has now been submitted to the United Nations. The institution has yet to comment on the UNHR investigation’s irrefutable, bombshell contents. The mainstream media has also remained silent. Given the complicity of Western journalists in whitewashing and justifying unconscionable crimes in Gaza, this is not surprising. However, the silence has been so pervasive that the report may have even gone unnoticed by committed Palestine solidarity activists.

This silence is itself an injustice, as the UNHR has produced a singular, indispensable resource for factually, legally, and morally refuting the arguments and assertions of Zionists and their allies, old and new. The report details, in devastating forensic detail, the variety of deplorable, murderous ways in which the Israeli state and its operatives at every level are culpable for committing genocide in Gaza, from public expressions of “blatant and unequivocal dehumanization and cruelty” to military actions explicitly designed to maximize Palestinian slaughter.

As defined in the Genocide Convention of 1948 and interpreted by international courts and tribunals, the crime of genocide requires that a perpetrator kill, seriously harm, or inflict conditions of life calculated to destroy a group, in whole or in part, with the intent to destroy that group. Thomas Becker, UNHR’s legal director, tells MintPress News: “What’s happening now is both unprecedented and, in many ways, a textbook case of genocide.”

Five days after the publication of the UNHR’s landmark investigation, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan announced his intent to indict Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for numerous crimes against humanity and atrocities committed since October 7, 2023. While it remains uncertain whether they will ever face justice, the Network’s report should inspire governments and citizens worldwide to work relentlessly towards achieving that righteous goal.   (more...)

Top US Law Schools Present Undeniable Evidence of Israel’s Gaza Genocide

Vera Sharav survived the Holocaust; and so she will not stand for ANY genocide, even (or especially) if it's carried out by Jews


Vera Sharav holocaust survivor genocide Israel Zionism impunity Judaism weaponization appropriation

This survivor understands that those who use the Holocaust to justify the Gaza genocide are actually DISHONORING the memory of those millions killed back then

Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni, Gabi Ashkenazi and Ehud Olmert—Don’t you dare show your faces at any memorial ceremony for the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto, Lublin, Vilna or Kishiniev . . . You are not Anne Frank of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but Hans Frank, the German general who acted to starve anddestroy the Jews of Poland. Today the Warsaw Ghetto is right in front of you, targeted by your own tanks and artillery, its name is Gaza.

—Michel Warschawski, Absolutely Not in Their Name, Not in Ours, AIC, January 18, 2009. Quoted in Tony Greenstein, Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation (2022).

Vera Sharav Is A Child Survivor Of The Holocaust. What Does She Feel About The Post Oct. 7 Israeli Bombardments Of Gaza? Has Anybody Asked? by Celia Farber

Read on Substack


Vera Sharav survived the Holocaust; and so she will not stand for ANY genocide, even (or especially) if it's carried out by Jews

Did British Intel Create the Ukrainian Centuria?


MI-6 Ukraine Centuria Azov Battalion secret army Nazi Bandera militia Gladio training NATO extremism indoctrination

In February, Berlin’s Junge Welt revealed how Ukrainian Centuria cemented itself in six cities across Germany and is seeking to expand its activities across Europe, influencing populations and governments to adopt their horrendous worldview. Did British Intel Create the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militia?

'Zionism Is Terrible For Jews, Too": This Jewish Arab Israeli Must Be Heard


Arab Israeli Zionism Judaism narrowing white supremacy ghettoization colonialism degradation caste system exclusion privilege racism white supremacy

This is a voice you need to hear. Alon Mizrahi is a Mizrahi Israeli - that is, his heritage is Arab, with his mother having moved from Morocco. He tells me why he thinks Israel is white supremacist, why he rejected Zionism, why he thinks Zionism is bad for Jews - and why he thinks Israel is heading for a disastrous future.


Maybe It’s Time We Started Talking About How Terrible Zionism is for Jews, Too

Alon Mizrahi - ‘Israeli Society Has Fallen Into Insanity’


psychopathy mass insanity possession Zionism paranoia antisemitism fearmongering Netanyahu

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with writer and political commentator Alon Mizrahi, about his experience growing up in Israeli society, including his time in the IDF, and explains how the collective mindset has become more extremist over time - and how after October 7th it may have already passed the point on no return. This was an impassioned and insightful conversation.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Demonstrators at 45 MP Offices Demand Two-way Arms Embargo with Israel


Canada Toronto Israel Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide Israel arms embargo politics demonstrations

The federal government previously said they had stopped approving new permits to export weapons to Israel but that they weren’t revoking permits approved before Jan. 8.

As the devastation caused by Israel’s ongoing attack on Gaza grows, civil society organizations from various sectors are urging the Canadian government to immediately suspend all arms and military technology trade with Israel.

Actions on Thursday, June 13, took place at 45 locations across Canada under the banner of Arms Embargo Now, a cross-sectoral campaign launched on May 7 demanding a two-way arms embargo with Israel.

While in most locations, people demonstrated with banners and brochures outside of MP offices, a group of 100 people in Vancouver blocked the Port of Vancouver for over three hours.

Dozens of residents of the riding of Toronto—Danforth gathered outside of MP Julie Dabrusin’s office on Queen St. East.  Spokespersons talked about the importance of the arms embargo and the group chanted for a free Palestine while some participants handed out brochures.

A dozen police officers showed up. A small number of pro-Israel individuals came and focused on the Israeli hostages held by Hamas.  (more...)

Demonstrators at 45 MP Offices Demand Two-way Arms Embargo with Israel

Devastation Into Dollars: Israeli Startups Are Making a Killing in Gaza


technology Israel startups profiteering Gaza testing greed military arms weapons laboratory Palestine

Despite calls across college campuses demanding divestment from Israel, one sector of the Israeli economy appears to be booming. Israeli startups raised over $1 billion in funding for the second straight month in May.

A number of these successful startups have participated in Israel’s ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip, suggesting genocide is a lucrative marketing tool for business. Products like suicide drones, smart guns, and robot dogs have all been deployed on the battlefield since October 2023, with some startups even exploiting the war to their advantage and touting their technologies’ use in the war as an advertising boost.

Israel’s government-owned and private companies alike have long promoted their weapons as “battle-tested,” with the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank serving as Israel’s homegrown weapons-testing laboratory.

“It’s just one example, and there are so many more, of Israel not wanting to ‘waste’ the opportunity in Gaza to show off its military hardware to an excited global market,” Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory, a book on Israeli weapons exports around the world, wrote in the April 3, 2024 edition of his newsletter.

Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack exposed Israel’s once-renowned cyber tech capabilities. Whereas such a massive oversight would presumably collapse any other industry, the opposite appears to be happening as Israel’s genocide overshadows the October attack.

“Despite this colossal failure of the intelligence agencies, the wholesale destruction of Gaza and the kinds of weapons Israel’s using will only increase the sales,” Neve Gordon, human rights and international law professor at the Queen Mary University of London, told MintPress News.  (more...)

Devastation Into Dollars: Israeli Startups Are Making a Killing in Gaza


We all live in the Palestine laboratory

Firing Of Briahna Joy Gray PROVES ‘The Hill’ Lied Two Years Ago


news media censorship distortion Zionism Israel lobby narrative control repression dishonesty deceit

Briahna Joy Gray was recently fired by the Hill over her criticisms of Israel.

Briahna Joy Gray is the host of the Bad Faith Podcast, former co-host at The Hill's Rising, former press secretary for Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and former politics editor at The Intercept.

By clearing protest encampments, universities put property over people


Canada student activism Palestine solidarity encampments protests University of Toronto injunction administration Zionism Gaza genocide complicity boycott divest sanction embargo dehumanization colonialism

An Ontario court is set to hear the University of Toronto’s application for an injunction to clear a pro-Palestinian protest encampment on campus. York University recently joined Université Laval and the universities of Calgary and Alberta in using police to clear a campus protest encampment. On the basis of a notice issued under Ontario’s trespass law, Toronto police dismantled the York Popular University for Palestine encampment less than 24 hours after its establishment, arresting one student.

Students at universities across Canada have set up protest encampments on campuses in recent months, calling on their institutions to cut ties with and divest from assets and companies associated with Israel. Some universities have responded punitively to the protests, calling in the police to clear encampments.

To date, three Canadian universities — McGill University, the University of Toronto (U of T) and the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) — have applied for court orders compelling police to remove or restrain encampments. Four others — York, Calgary, Alberta and Laval — have cleared encampments without the use of injunctions.

Canadian universities’ requests for court orders and police enforcement to clear Palestine solidarity encampments raise questions about the legal status of university encampments and the use of injunctions.  (more...)

By clearing protest encampments, universities put property over people

Israel’s Control Over America


Israel lobby America control politics capture Zionism influence corruption AIPAC funding bribery

Ventriloquist's dummy in Washington D.C.

How Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy erases Palestinian voices and supports Israel


Canada racism Islamophobia Palestine evasion Zionism politics settler colonialism apartheid occupation displacement hegemony erasure

In this webinar,  recorded on June 18, 2023, we discussed Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy and how it erases Palestinian voices while supporting Israel. We discussed why it is necessary to approach antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism together; the problems with the controversial IHRA definition of antisemitism; and Canadian support for Zionism.

Featuring guests Dania Majid, Arab Canadian Lawyers Association; Corey Balsam, Independent Jewish Voices; Alex Paterson, CJPME.

Moderated by Wissam El Cheikh Hassan, host of CJPME's Palestine Debrief Podcast


Handala sails to break Israel's siege of Gaza


Handala Norway Israel Gaza Palestine solidarity genocide peace activism siege resistance courage

In April 2024, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition prepared to send three large vessels from Istanbul to the besieged people of Gaza. Two of the vessels, which carried thousands of tonnes of aid, bore the flag of Guinea-Bissau. At the 11th hour, however, Israel's government persuaded Guinea-Bisseau to withdraw its flag, effectively stranding the flotilla in Turkish waters.

Undeterred, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has launched another vessel from Oslo. It's name is "The Handala". The Handala is gradually making its way to from northern Europe to the Mediterranean, where it will attempt to break the siege of Gaza in the summer.

On June 19, 2024, Dimitri Lascaris spoke with a passenger on the Handala, John Turnbull. In 2018, Turnbull captained a vessel called "Freedom" which also attempted to break the siege of Gaza. When the Freedom approached Gaza, Israeli forces boarded the ship in international waters. Turnbull, his crew and the passengers were then transported to Israel against their will. There, they were imprisoned briefly and then deported.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group Centuria Terrorizes European Citizens and Creates the “Fourth Reich” in Europe


Centuria Ukraine Gladio terrorism Europe Fourth Reich Nazi Germany militarism white supremacy paramilitary

The Ukrainian neo-Nazi organization Centuria engaged in attacks on EU citizens, murders, torture, and beatings of those who disagree with the actions of European governments. Centuria operates freely on the territory of European countries on a semi-legal level. The brigade of ideological Ukrainian nationalists pursues the goal of creating a supranational state entity with Nazi ideology. The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained evidence that high-ranking members of the Centuria are supported by the ruling circles of Germany, Great Britain and France and carrying out their orders to eliminate political rivals. Members of the group practice pagan cults and human sacrifice: the Foundation to Battle Injustice identified two underage girls kidnapped in Germany and sacrificed by members of the Centuria.

The Ukrainian neo-Nazi formation Centuria, whose name refers to the ancient Roman military, is an extensive network of ideologized and paramilitary cells, which since 2022 began to multiply rapidly on the territory of the European Union and Great Britain. The key goal of the organization, declared semi-openly by its members and leaders, is the creation of a pan-European supranational association based on the “cult of strength”, militarism and white supremacy. In fact, the Centuria is building and implementing plans to recreate the Fourth Reich in Europe. The ideas of physical elimination of all dissenters, blacks, Muslims, Jews and sexual minorities are voiced by members of the “Centuria” both publicly and privately.

According to previously unpublished information obtained and verified by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Centuria is supported by the intelligence, military and political structures of Western countries, primarily Germany, France and Great Britain. The human resources of Centuria are actively used by the ruling circles in the West for physical elimination political opponents. The organization is involved in the liquidation of public figures and opinion leaders who are trying to provide information resistance to the current government of Ukraine and threatening the allocation of military and financial aid to Kiev. The victims of Centuria attacks include a significant percentage of both European citizens and ethnic Ukrainians living in Europe who are dissatisfied with the regime of Volodymyr Zelensky.

Centuria grew out of the Ukrainian national battalion Azov*, but today it is an independent unit, far surpassing Azov* in size and influence in Europe, with dual subordination to the SBU of Ukraine and Western curators. Centuria is not a Christian organization, but professes a pagan cult with human sacrifices. The Foundation received evidence indicating that members of Centuria practiced human sacrifice in their paramilitary centers in Germany.

Centuria victims included children. Today Centuria is represented in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece and Romania. The most numerous cells are located in Germany and the UK. The European headquarters is located in Germany. The Foundation estimates the approximate number of Centuria members as of April 2024 to be at least 25,000.  (more...)

Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group Centuria Terrorizes European Citizens and Creates the “Fourth Reich” in Europe


Leaked documents: British spies constructing secret terror army in Ukraine

Chris Hedges: Nero's Guests


Zionism settler colonialism Israel genocide ethnic cleansing oppression crimes against humanity immorality supremacy dehumanization impunity corruption

The hard truth of Israel

Holocaust Scholar Raz Segal Loses Job Offer for Saying Israel Is Committing Genocide


academia Genocide Studies University of Minnesota Zionism Holocaust freedom censorship suppression politicization Judaism Israel exclusion silencing

We speak with Israeli American Jewish scholar Raz Segal about the University of Minnesota's move to rescind a job offer over his comments early in the war on Gaza, when he characterized the Israeli assault as a "textbook case of genocide." Segal was set to lead the university's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, but after two board members quit in opposition to Segal's selection and a smear campaign led by the pro-Israel group Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), the school revoked the offer. Segal says he has been "targeted because of my identity as a Jew who refuses the narrowing down of Jewish identity to Zionism" and calls the JCRC-led opposition a "hateful campaign of lies and distortions" and "crude political intervention." "This was a completely legitimate hiring process," states Segal. He says rescission of his offer "spells the end of this idea of free inquiry, of academic freedom, of research and teaching — and all in the service, of course, of supporting an extremely violent state."

US and UK rehabilitate Nazism and arm fascist militias in Ukraine


Ukraine Azov Battalion Nazi rehabilitation normalization fascism militias arms transfers US UK Anglo-American establishment Boris Johnson Russophobia WWIII proxy war

Western countries are no longer hiding their sympathy for Ukrainian neo-Nazism. The US and the UK are rapidly advancing the process of global rehabilitation of Nazism. Recently, Ukrainian fascist militants were welcomed into the British parliament, and now Washington authorized the supply of weapons to the infamous Azov Regiment, clearly showing that far-right militias are NATO’s allies in the current conflict.

All at once, the US and the UK decided to normalize Ukrainian Nazism. Two weeks ago, in London, a delegation from the Azov Regiment was greeted with applause by the British Parliament. Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech calling the fascist militiamen “heroes” and encouraging them to attack targets within the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation with British weapons. In other words, Johnson not only congratulated neo-Nazis, but he "authorized" them to kill Russians outside the conflict zone. Johnson also took a photo with the Azov soldiers holding a banner with the Wolfsangel symbol, “which was used by a Waffen-SS division and several Wehrmacht units during WWII.”

On June 11th, the US State Department published a revision of its arms trade guidelines, lifting the ban on the sale of military equipment to the Azov Regiment. Ten years ago, the Ukrainian fascist militia had been officially banned from the US arms trade due to its Nazi ties as well as human rights violations committed during hostilities in Russian-majority regions. Now, however, US officials say there is no evidence that such violations actually occurred, which is why the ban has been reversed.

It would be naive to believe that the “ban” ever really worked. Washington has always armed the Azov militants and all other Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias. However, until now, this supply of weapons was unofficial. The US officially sold weapons to the Ukrainian state, which then individually delivered them to the fascist battalions. Now, this legal maneuver is no longer necessary, since Washington is openly ready to supply weapons to Azov.  (more...)

US and UK rehabilitate Nazism and arm fascist militias in Ukraine

Monday, June 17, 2024

Israel Killed Their Own On October 7 - John Mearsheimer On The Hannibal Directive


Hannibal Directive John Mearsheimer friendly fire Gaza genocide ethnic cleansing atrocities oppression Zionism Netanyahu extremism racism lawlessness

John Mearsheimer discusses the Israel Lobby, why Biden is so enabling of Israel, what Netanyahu’s real goals are in Gaza, the Israeli civilians killed by the Israel government on October 7 and what the Hannibal Directive is.

Inside the ‘shocking’ police operation targeting pro-Palestine activists in Toronto


Palestine solidarity Canada Toronto police targeting oppression harassment malicious arrest prosecution totalitarianism violation of rights bigotry racism colonialism intimidation fascism Zionism

A heavily-resourced Hate Crimes Unit has engaged in surveillance, night raids, and ‘trumped up charges’ against the Palestinian solidarity movement

The banging at the front door started at 5:30 a.m. 

It was so heavy that, on the second floor of the Mississauga, Ont. home of the Islaih family, a bed began to shake.

The Palestinian-Canadian family of five opened the door in late January to find several Toronto police officers with a warrant to arrest their eldest son.

“We were in shock,” Suha Islaih told The Breach in an interview. “Did my son hurt someone? Did he kill someone? Those were thoughts that crossed my mind.”

Ahmad Islaih, a 26 year old elementary school teacher, was accused of participating in a demonstration that briefly halted traffic on Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway in November. The protest against Israel’s assault on Gaza had lasted for only five minutes.

After waking up Ahmed, handcuffing him and charging him with “mischief,” eight police officers sat the family, still in their pajamas, at their dining room table. While they searched their home, the front door stayed open, despite freezing winter weather and the family’s pleas to police to close it.

According to the warrant—marked “AUTHORIZED TO BE EXECUTED AT NIGHT”—the items police were looking for included black pants, white Nike running shoes, and a keffiyeh.

“Our house is full of keffiyehs, we’re Palestinian,” Suha recalled telling the police. The family, who immigrated to Canada in 2005 from Ramallah, maintains strong connections to their homeland. “I have a poster of a Palestine map. I asked them if they wanted that too?”

After the police left with Ahmad’s computers, electronics, and clothes, the family discovered his room “turned upside down.” Drawers had been emptied on the floor, his mattress was thrown off the bed, a vase was broken, and several boxes had been rifled through.

“It took us back to our life in the West Bank,” Suha said, “when Israeli soldiers raided our home.”  (more...)

Inside the ‘shocking’ police operation targeting pro-Palestine activists in Toronto

Why Latin America Is Leading the Charge to Cut Ties with Israel


Latin America Columbia Brazil Bolivia Israel trade diplomacy Gaza genocide complicity divestment condemnation Palestine solidarity

Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced the country will be suspending its coal exports to Israel over the genocide in Gaza. Israel gets nearly half of its coal from Colombia, and Petro emphasized it will continue to pressure Israel’s economy "until the genocide stops." Zoe Alexandra, co-editor of Peoples Dispatch, joins the show to discuss how left-wing Latin American leaders cutting ties with Israel represents an era of unprecedented economic isolation for Israel.

Why the Senate Must Reject the Dangerous Antisemitism Awareness Act


antisemitism criminalization censorship politics Israel lobby Zionism supremacism oppression Gaza genocide ethnic cleansing fascism colonialism normalization

The bill could be used to crush legitimate debate about Israel, its policies, and American policies toward it—policies that have given rise to one of the greatest acts of genocide since the Holocaust.

Totalitarianism rarely shows its true face when it arises. Instead, it often pretends to stand for good and decent values. A new bill claims to fight antisemitism, something all decent people oppose. But antisemitism—that is, bias and discrimination against Jews because of their religion or ethnic identity—is already barred under civil rights law. The real goal of the so-called “Antisemitism Awareness Act” is to suppress free speech.

This dangerous bill was already passed by the House of Representatives and now awaits a Senate vote. It outsources some of our constitutional rights to an outside organization, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, whose arbitrary definition of antisemitism poses a threat to civil liberties. It could be used to crush legitimate debate about Israel, its policies, and American policies toward it—policies that have given rise to one of the greatest acts of genocide since the Holocaust.

This bill could suppress historical research and ban the mention of facts that have been verified by international organizations. It could initiate lawsuits, funding cuts, and disciplinary action across all American “education programs or activities, and for other purposes.” (Those “other purposes” are not defined.) Student protesters, professors, writers, and even elected officials could face political repression and become legal targets.

The implications are enormous. The federal government spends more than $100 billion per year on education, including $85.3 billion for kindergarten through high school, $24.6 billion in federal student aid assistance, and $1.3 billion in congressional earmarks for colleges (for projects that range from equipment purchases and airport runways to prison education programs). All these expenditures could be used as leverage to stifle legitimate debate.  (more...)

Why the Senate Must Reject the Dangerous Antisemitism Awareness Act

UNICEF Decries Israel's "War on Children" as Starvation & Deaths Mount in Gaza


UNICIF war Israel children death starvation Gaza genocide military Israel crimes against humanity impunity

The Israeli military on Sunday announced a daily "tactical pause" in its attacks on Rafah to allow humanitarian relief to enter the Gaza Strip, after systematically blocking aid from reaching Palestinians in Gaza since October 7. While a full ceasefire is still vital, "any pause in the bombing is good news for children," says UNICEF spokesperson James Elder, speaking to Democracy Now! from Rafah. "The physical and psychological exhaustion they face is almost impossible to capture," he says, characterizing Israel's offensive as "a war on children."

Sunday, June 16, 2024

If you really want to stop a genocide you have the tools to do it


Gaza genocide Zionism Israel Palestine ethnic cleansing oppression dehumanization lawlessness moral bankruptcy psychopathy barbarism opportunism immorality colonialism apartheid

Israel has a blank cheque from the international community to carry out its atrocities. It’s obvious, they want to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians: Arab Barghouthi

Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger


Israel lobby America politics control influence bias compliance servility news media journalism Republicans billionaires

US foreign policy is based on appeasing the Jewish state

Back in September 2017 I wrote an article for the Unz Review site entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” with the subtitle “Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?” The article focused on the fact that most of the individuals and groups in the US that were agitating for war with Iran in particular were Jewish and most did not hide their loyalty to Israel, headed then as now by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I argued that it was a mistake to have Jews managing America’s relationships in the Middle East in particular as some of them certainly would experience a conflict of interest that would inevitably not be beneficial to the United States. And, one might add, that in spite of that tie that binds with a foreign government, no pro-Israel group has ever been compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 which would provide some transparency on finances and concerning direct contacts with the Israeli government or its Embassy in Washington. The end result of all that is to make it extremely easy to use money, which the Zionist billionaires have in abundance, to corrupt the US government process on behalf of an apartheid state that is no ally in reality and does not have values that fit well with what was once American democracy.

If measured by comments received on it on the Unz site, the article on the ethnic advocacy promoting America’s Wars turned out to be the most popular that I have ever written and it was picked up widely online and in various publications both in the US and abroad. Inevitably, however, it produced a backlash from Israel’s many friends and within 24 hours there was added an update to the original online posting. It read “On the morning of September 21st Phil Giraldi was fired over the phone by The American Conservative, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years. He was told that ‘America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars’ was unacceptable. The TAC management and board appear to have forgotten that the magazine was launched with an article by founder Pat Buchanan entitled “Whose War?” which largely made the same claims that Giraldi made about the Jewish push for another war, in that case with Iraq. Buchanan was vilified and denounced as an anti-Semite by many of the same people who are now similarly attacking Giraldi.”  (more...)

Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger


Everything About Israel Is Fake

Zionists Did TERRIBLE Things To Establish A Jewish State


Zionists Israel displacement ethnic cleansing genocide Intifada crimes against humanity barbarity moral bankruptcy colonialism land theft

Katie and John Mearsheimer discuss whether people’s increased criticism of Israel is because Israel has gotten worse or Israel’s crimes were previously hidden.

US students protests could shatter the Israeli technological sector


student activism Israel technology Palestine solidarity divestment disclose boycott sanction arms embargo complicity economy encampments Gaza genocide

If you thought student encampments would not directly impact “Israel”, think again. Amid institutional considerations of divestment and boycott that would stop the flow of capital from American universities to the Israeli economy, concerns were raised about the serious consequences that would affect the Israeli technological sector, which develops the occupation’s arms industry.

Poland just SHOCKED the world, and NATO and EU globalists are furious


Poland NATO EU globalists Zionism Ukraine Bandera politics grass roots fire extinguisher nationalism sovereignty

Poland just shocked NATO with record breaking election results that are a direct repudiation of the globalist agenda. Polish people stood up and said "we don't want to be a garrison for NATO, we don't want the Ukrainization of Poland." Polish EU MP Grzegorz Braun just won a landslide election victory which is a big middle finger to NATO and the EU globalist cabal. Let's use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire of globalism.

Poland NATO EU globalists Zionism Ukraine Bandera politics grass roots fire extinguisher nationalism sovereignty

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Calls for arms embargo against Israel met with silence from Minister Petitpas Taylor


Canada Israel arms embargo crimes against humanity Gaza genocide politics unions peace activists demonstration complicity

On Thursday, activists called for a full and immediate arms embargo against Israel at a protest in Moncton outside the office of Ginette Petitpas Taylor, the Liberal MP for Moncton-Dieppe-Riverview. She's also Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence. 

The demonstration was part of a national day of action organized by a coalition of groups representing organized labour and peace activists. Protests were planned at the offices of more than 30 MPs, according to

The Washington Post Tries Criminalizing Independent Journalism


Grayzone Washington Post mainstream media MSM Israel lobby criminalization Independent smear censorship narrative control repression

Max Blumenthal joins this episode of Scheer Intelligence to discuss the recent hit job on his outlet, The Grayzone, by the Washington Post, as well as the demise of the once free internet.


Failing Washington Post attempts to get Grayzone editor jailed with error-filled smear piece

Why MSM, Israeli Lobby Smear Independent Journalists


MSM Israel Lobby narrative control disinformation smears independent journalists mainstream media propaganda hacks stenographers Washington Post corruption

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with Managing Editor at The Grayzone Wyatt Reed, discusses the latest attempt by mainstream establishment media outlet Washington Post to smear him and his colleagues for daring to challenge the official Israeli propaganda narrative regarding Oct 7th and the U.S-Israel ongoing genocide in Gaza. In addition, there are also efforts to control and censor massive platforms like Wikipedia to reflect Zionist narratives.

The Ustasha Children's Concentration Camps in Croatia during World War II


Croatia Ustasha Nazi atrocities concentration camps children oppression Nazi history brutality WWII crimes against humanity ethnic cleansing genocide violence

During World War II, the Ustasha regime, which was the fascist puppet state of Croatia under German and Italian control, operated several concentration camps in the territory. One of these camps was located in Sisak, Croatia, and was known as the Ustasha-ran concentration camp for children, or commonly referred to as the Sisak Children's Concentration Camp. The Sisak Children's Concentration Camp was established and primarily targeted children of Serbian, Jewish, and Roma descent. It was one of the few concentration camps specifically dedicated to holding children. Conditions in the camp were horrific, with overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions, lack of proper nutrition, and rampant disease. The children endured physical and psychological abuse, as well as neglect. Many children died as a result of the harsh conditions, malnutrition, or from being subjected to medical experiments. The exact number of children held in the camp is uncertain, but estimates range from several hundred to over a thousand. Tragically, the majority of the children perished in the camp, either from the brutal conditions or as victims of systematic extermination. It's important to note that the Ustasha regime, led by Ante Pavelić, implemented a genocidal policy aimed at ethnic and religious minorities, particularly Serbs, Jews, and Roma. The regime's atrocities included mass killings, forced conversions, and forced labor. The Sisak Children's Concentration Camp represents one of the darkest chapters in the history of the Ustasha regime and its collaboration with the Axis powers during World War II.

The Intellectual Intifada: Beyond Columbia University


Intellectual Intifada Columbia University Palestine solidarity colonialism oppression genocide ethnic cleansing oppression student activism resistance disclosure divestment boycott sanction arms embargo youth education

From the Vietnam War to the Gaza genocide, student activism is challenging the imperialist system at academic institutions in the US by fighting for the liberation of Palestine not on battlegrounds, but on campuses.

Mossad and its network of little helpers, the Sayanim


Sayanim Mossad Israel foreign influence espionage threats assassinations blackmail entrapment corruption Zionism

The Mossad have been exposed as targeting the International Criminal Court, including directly threatening its personnel and their families. What else does the Mossad get up to?

Zionist intelligence agencies launched a war on the International Criminal Court in January 2015. This was when it was confirmed that Palestine would join the court after it was recognised as a state by the UN general assembly.

"Israel’s" intelligence agencies routinely surveilled the ICC’s current chief prosecutor Karim Khan, his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, and dozens of other ICC and UN officials. Israeli intelligence also monitored materials that the Palestinian Authority submitted to the prosecutor’s office, and surveilled employees at four Palestinian human rights organizations whose submissions are central to the probe.

Multiple agencies including the Mossad, Shin Bet, and "National Security Council" were involved, in addition to the occupation military. "Israel's" Ministry of Strategic Affairs, under Gilad Erdan, was involved in the surveilling of Palestinian human rights organizations that were submitting reports to the ICC.

It is reported that “a large whiteboard in an Israeli intelligence department contained the names of about 60 people under surveillance – half of them Palestinians and half from other countries, including UN officials and ICC personnel.”

Mossad, the foreign intelligence agency of the Zionist colony was involved in attempting to recruit senior ICC officials.

The former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, allegedly threatened the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation.

Cohen’s covert contacts with the ICC’s then prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, took place in the period leading up to her decision to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.

Cohen, is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”  (more...)

Mossad and its network of little helpers, the Sayanim


Deploying spies on campus in the US: The 'Israel on Campus Coalition'