Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Demonstrators at 45 MP Offices Demand Two-way Arms Embargo with Israel


Canada Toronto Israel Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide Israel arms embargo politics demonstrations

The federal government previously said they had stopped approving new permits to export weapons to Israel but that they weren’t revoking permits approved before Jan. 8.

As the devastation caused by Israel’s ongoing attack on Gaza grows, civil society organizations from various sectors are urging the Canadian government to immediately suspend all arms and military technology trade with Israel.

Actions on Thursday, June 13, took place at 45 locations across Canada under the banner of Arms Embargo Now, a cross-sectoral campaign launched on May 7 demanding a two-way arms embargo with Israel.

While in most locations, people demonstrated with banners and brochures outside of MP offices, a group of 100 people in Vancouver blocked the Port of Vancouver for over three hours.

Dozens of residents of the riding of Toronto—Danforth gathered outside of MP Julie Dabrusin’s office on Queen St. East.  Spokespersons talked about the importance of the arms embargo and the group chanted for a free Palestine while some participants handed out brochures.

A dozen police officers showed up. A small number of pro-Israel individuals came and focused on the Israeli hostages held by Hamas.  (more...)

Demonstrators at 45 MP Offices Demand Two-way Arms Embargo with Israel

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