Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Western University administration response to student encampments inconsistent with international law


Canada Western University student activism Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide crimes against humanity investment Israel military disclose divestment boycott sanction arms embargo racism colonialism immorality

On May 29, Western University’s President and Vice-Chancellor Alan Shepard released a public statement about the student encampments’ divestment demands.

For 31 days, Western University students have maintained encampments filled with protests, teach-ins, and cultural celebrations. They will remain until Western University’s administration ceases its 33.6 million dollar investment in Israel’s occupation of Palestine and publicly condemns the occupation. Meetings between students and administration have been unproductive since.

The latest administration response rejected students’ divestment demands, stating: “Universities have historically not taken up wholesale calls for boycott, divestment, and sanctions – and Western University is no different.”

This reason appears inconsistent with international law and the Western University administration’s past decisions.

Four inconsistencies are detailed here in reference to international law and Western University administration’s past actions.  (more...)

Western University administration response to student encampments inconsistent with international law

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