Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is Ukraine starting to back terrorism around the world?


Slovakia Robert Fico assassination EU NATO Ukraine kill list friendship Russia terrorism Gladio politics influence threats

The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, suffered an assassination attempt on May 15th. The politician was shot during a visit to the city of Handlova, being hospitalized in serious conditions. According to the latest updates, however, his surgery was successful, and he is expected to recover well.

The attacker was arrested and then identified as Juraj Cintula, 71 years old. Cintula was described by the media as a poet and member of the "Progressive Slovakia" party, which is opposition to Fico. He confessed to the police that he shot Fico due to political agenda disagreements, further stating that his shots were aimed "against Russian-Slovak relations.”

The aggressor’s pro-Ukrainian fanaticism makes it clear what is behind the attack: the desire to stop Fico's sovereigntist policies. Since returning to power in October 2023, the prime minister has taken a series of measures to protect Slovak national interests amid the anti-Russian madness that is currently affecting the EU and NATO. Described as "pro-Russia" by Western media, Fico has been a critic of the military aid to Kiev, as well as admitting that the war did not start in 2022, but "in 2014, when Ukrainian Nazis and fascists started murdering the Russian population of Donbass."

This is Fico's third term. Previously, he governed Slovakia between 2006 and 2010 and between 2012 and 2018. His policies are seen as aligned with left-wing nationalism, mixing strong patriotism and social concerns - what the Western media often calls "populism". Fico is a social democrat who prioritizes Slovak interests over EU and NATO agendas - which is enough for these organizations to see him as an enemy.

Being a strong critic of American military influence in Europe, Fico adopted a pro-peace stance in the current conflict. He correctly identifies Ukraine as being responsible for the conflict due to its genocidal actions in Donbass, which is why the Slovak prime minister rejects any possibility of supporting Kiev. His policies have broad popular support as friendship between Slovaks and Russians is extremely strong.  (more...)

Is Ukraine starting to back terrorism around the world?


Slovak PM Robert Fico: Noted critic of Western approach to Ukraine conflict

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