Friday, May 24, 2024

Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research


Harry Houdini intelligence counterintelligence FBI spiritualism espionage Theosophy Gnosticism hermeticism exposure photography magic séances Rosicrucianism freemasonry politics science

In the last chapter of the series Occult Tesla, you were introduced to the figure of Sir William Crookes, Tesla mentor, Rosicrucian high priest and popularizer of occultism who rose to the ranks of most powerful scientist of the British Empire when he was elected President of the British Royal Society in 1913.

In that location, the peculiar relationship between science and a global occult revival was examined coordinated by the British Society for Psychical Research (which Crookes also led as President). Not only did this occult revival drive a re-organization of the decaying British Empire, but aspired to establish a new world religion premised on demonology, spirit channeling, and a hybrid of western Gnosticism/hermeticism fused with eastern mysticism as outlined by the Theosophist movement.

In this installment, we will be introduced to the efforts to expose this new false world religion by analyzing the life and efforts of one of the least appreciated heroes of recent history… Harry Houdini.

Born in Hungary in 1874, Erich Weiss and his family moved to the USA when he was only four years old and soon found himself inspired by the craft of stage magic, studying everything he could get his hands on. Erich and his brother showed immense skill at the craft and quickly rose in popularity, getting their first big break performing at the 1893 World Fair in Chicago.

By this time, he had changed his stage name to ‘Harry Houdini’ as an homage to a famous french illusionist named Robert Houdin whose work inspired Weiss.  (more...)

Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research

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