Friday, May 31, 2024

Funding Attacks on the Pro-Palestine Student Movement


billionaires Los Angeles New York student activism Zionist counter protesters harassment repression violence funding goons thugs Proud Boys Zionists militarized police crackdowns

The links between the violent crackdown on Gaza solidarity student encampments and billionaire activists

It has been weeks since the brutal state repression and right-wing violence unleashed against some of the most prominent Gaza solidarity encampments, including those at the University of California – Los Angeles and Columbia University. 

Since then, independent reporting has uncovered disturbing links between extreme-right counter protesters and billionaire donors, as well as collusion between city officials and police conducting violent repression.

At UCLA, Zionist counter protesters conducted several rounds of attacks against the Gaza solidarity encampment. Student organizers reported counter-protesters releasing bags of mice injected with an unknown substance, as well as cockroaches. Counter-protesters also launched fireworks at the encampment.

Reporters at Left Coast Right Watch compiled a detailed timeline of the efforts of counter protesters to torment students. 

One face at the counter protests was Narek Paylan, associated with the Proud Boys and the anti-LGBTQ Leave Our Kids Alone movement, who has shared anti-Semitic and Nazi imagery online. He was seen outside of the Gaza solidarity encampment, protesting on behalf of Zionists.  (more...)

Funding Attacks on the Pro-Palestine Student Movement

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