Friday, May 17, 2024

Toronto Sun endorses Zionist think tank's call to persecute foundations supporting Palestine protests


Zionism mainstream media Canada Toronto Sun lawfare criminalization Palestine solidarity repression Warren Kinsella Kevin Vuong politics

The Zionists have proposed a new tactic, and the Toronto Sun is fully on board. 

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism (ISGA) proposes disclosing the name of the leadership of the running charities which provide the most financial resources to the protests, and ordering them to be shut down if they were run by individuals who were previously working for organizations such as Holy Land Foundation, which was forced to shut down by state persecution. 

This came after ISGA researched funding sources for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters throughout North America and proposed cut off this financing by labelling them “terrorist” sources, in a report entitled “National Students for Justice in Palestine: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Americanism, Violent Extremism and the Threat to North American Universities”. 

The ISGA wants to use a prior example of unjust state repression of a charity as a building block for further repression of the protests. The report has been pushed by Warren Kinsella in the Toronto Sun, and an infamous politician, Independent MP Kevin Vuong, who demanded a probe into the financing for all of the encampments. So what is this report, flaunted around by the Canadian right, all about?  (more...)

Toronto Sun endorses Zionist think tank's call to persecute foundations supporting Palestine protests

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