Thursday, May 30, 2024

McGill tried stifling classroom discussion of Gaza, internal emails reveal


Canada Montreal McGill University administration censorship repression Gaza genocide student activism divestment complicity racism autocracy intimidation

Documents show McGill’s administrators encouraged deans and instructors to bar discussion of student policy calling on university to divest from Israel’s assault on Gaza

McGill University’s administrators encouraged deans and instructors to bar any discussion of a student referendum on Israel’s assault on Gaza, following complaints from pro-Israel community members, emails obtained by The Breach reveal.

In the fall, McGill students voted on a policy put forward by the student union, calling on the university to “condemn the genocidal bombing campaigns and siege against the people of Gaza,” and to divest from any implicated companies.

But a week before the referendum, McGill’s administrators emailed deans a template that instructors could use to reject any classroom discussion, warning faculty that discussion could leave students feeling “uncomfortable” and “targeted.”

The policy was eventually supported by 78 per cent of student voters, but its implementation has been blocked by an injunction backed by B’nai Brith Canada.

The revelation comes a week after McGill president Deep Saini denounced the month-long Palestine solidarity encampment on the campus in a Montreal Gazette op-ed, accusing the protestors of “eschew[ing] meaningful conversation” with the administration.  

“To educate, to learn, to research, universities must welcome debate and challenge convention,” Saini wrote.

However, the emails obtained by The Breach in a freedom of information request show that the university’s administrators did not welcome any debate, but tried to shut it down.  (more...)

McGill tried stifling classroom discussion of Gaza, internal emails reveal

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