Friday, May 24, 2024

Pro-Israel Jewish community shows its fascist far-right face


Canada Zionism Montreal racism xenophobia white supremacy bigotry hate Islamophobia incitement fascism

Is it too much to compare those taking to the street in support of Israel’s genocide to pro-German American protesters in the lead up to World War II?

In response to criticism of Jeremy Levi, a participant in this author's Canadian Foreign Policy Hour recently compared the social forces the Hampstead mayor represents to the pro-Nazi German American Bund. The initial reaction was that it seemed extreme, but the suburban Montreal mayor’s recent raving about his “bloodline” justifying Israel’s slaughter make it worth exploring.

Levi is an open racist who wants to kill more Palestinians. Adding to this evidence, this week Levi celebrated a Rebel News video showing Montreal police violently attacking Palestine solidarity protesters, stating “very happy to finally see the Montreal police dealing with these knucklehead pro-Hamas supporters in the only language they understand.” The mayor of the most Jewish municipality in Canada also intimated that white people want to emigrate from Canada because of non-white immigrants and called the death of the Iranian president and foreign minister “great news”. He added, “24 hours before the unjust execution of a Jewish individual in Iran, a righteous intervention occurs: God, in His infinite justice, strikes down the leader of Iran. This serves as a resounding testament to the sanctity of Jewish life and a powerful reminder that those who seek to harm the Jewish people will face divine retribution.”

Levi also called the “Nakba narrative a complete fabrication” and claimed Palestine doesn’t exist. “There has never been a country called Palestine”, he noted a week ago. “Israel has belonged to the Jewish nation for over 3,761 years and always will.” In another post last week Levi claimed his “bloodline” justified Israel killing and starving tens of thousands of children in Gaza. He wrote, “it’s fascinating to hear claims that today’s Jews are not the same as those from ancient times and supposedly have a different bloodline. Let me debunk that: I am a Kohen, a member of a tribe within the Jewish nation, directly descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses. We are the same Jews today as we were thousands of years ago.”  (more...)

Pro-Israel Jewish community shows its fascist far-right face

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