Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Eyewitness: Police Repression of Students for Gaza


student activism Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide encampments rally militarized police crackdown targeting violence University of Utah repression racism surveillance tyranny

Student encampments and street protests for Palestine have been hit with a heavy wave of police violence and repression from coast-to-coast. In some cases, it’s the same police departments whose staff and leaders get training from the Israeli Defense Forces that are attacking peaceful events calling for divestment and justice. In Salt Lake City, police viciously attacked students at the University of Utah on April 29th, and then arrested student organizers the next day before a demonstration at the President’s Circle. Some of those arrested were held for hours or days before being released, even after bail was paid. Students and community have responded in force, mobilizing multiple times, demanding the charges be dropped, all the while keeping Palestine front and center.

We’re joined by Devin Martinez, a local organizer in Salt Lake City and Deja Gaston, an alumna of the University of Utah.

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