Friday, May 17, 2024

McGill Encampment Withstands Second Legal Challenge


Canada student activism McGill University encampment Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide legal challenge steadfastness police politics repression

The student protest for Gaza holds firm despite mounting pressure.

“Students are prepared to sustain this camp until they are forcibly removed.”

The protester didn’t raise her voice but there was a firmness to that statement. She stood outside the encampment’s steel barriers Tuesday, her shoes caked in mud and her face weathered by the sun.

It would have been easy to dismiss those words as bluster two weeks ago. Back when rumours of an imminent police raid coursed through the McGill encampment. In those first days, it felt like a strong gust of wind could blow the whole thing onto Sherbrooke St.

But it became a lot harder to brush off the protesters after they secured another victory in court Wednesday. Superior Court Judge Marc St-Denis ruled that McGill University didn’t provide enough evidence to warrant an emergency injunction against the encampment. Yes, the protesters are boisterous and their occupation of the university’s front lawn will almost certainly disrupt convocation next week.

Even so, St-Denis ruled that the students’ right to protest McGill’s stake in the armaments industry — as Israeli missiles rain death and destruction on Gaza — supersedes the university’s property ownership rights. At least for now.  (more...)

McGill Encampment Withstands Second Legal Challenge

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