Wednesday, May 29, 2024

‘Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide’


Canada tax dollars funding genocide tax-exempt status NGOs crimes against humanity Gaza genocide defund divest charitable status

A New York state bill to strip tax-exempt status from charities assisting Israeli settlements and the Israeli military should boost a similar initiative in Canada.

Last week high profile left-Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed a bill called “Not on our dime!: Ending New York funding of Israeli settler violence Act.” The New York state bill would revoke the charitable status of groups assisting illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Introduced last year, the bill was recently amended to include charities “aiding and abetting activity by the Israeli armed forces” that violate International Criminal Court rulings.

The bill builds off the work of Defund Racism, which has compiled evidence of US charities’ role in dispossessing Palestinians. In a similar vein, last year over 30 Canadian groups endorsed “colonialism is not charity”, which calls on the Canada Revenue Agency to revoke the charitable status of groups assisting West Bank settlements and the Israeli military.

The campaign to challenge Israel-focused charities was given a boost recently by a parliamentary petition instigated by researcher Miles Howe.   (more...)

‘Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide’


Colonialism is Not Charity: Defunding Palestinian racism

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