Dr. Joseph Farrell is a guest on Dr. Katherine Horton's new interview series Special Investigators. They discuss the spread of the Nazis after World War 2, and their technology and methods.
,,, In Financial Vipers of Venice, Joseph's second book directly on matters related to finance, Dr. Farrell takes us directly into the heart of the alchemical principles that lit the fuse of the Renaissance. His investigation into the murder of Giordano Bruno, the alchemical theologian and scholar of the first magnitude that was induced to come to Venice and wound up roasted on an Inquisitional barbecue, brings forth clues to a deep and very old agenda to suppress the true nature of human consciousness and existence itself.
The real "fire" that Giordano Bruno's auto-de-fe attempted to squelch was the paleo-ancient concept of what Dr. Farrell calls "the Metaphor," a crucial fact of the universe largely kept from modern man. For the Metaphor describes the relationship of the physical man to the cosmos itself. It supports an understanding of existence and the universe as the most powerful kind of open system, where new information is created as the core function of the unceasing moment of creation. The very nature of the Metaphor itself allows him to contrast its meaning with the modern definition of economy and even money. He shows in certain terms that the current and historical financial systems are the diametric opposite of what the Metaphor, an ancient scientific principle, would suggest to be in line with this ultimate natural law.
Dr. Farrell, being the detective he is, then connects these topics to the behavior of the voracious and predatorial families that gave rise to the Most Serene Republic of Venice. He traces their roots to the Chaldean slaves that eventually took over the Italian Peninsula and who brought with them the philosophy, genetic memory and business techniques of the ancient Sumerians. He analyzes their practices and their effects, their feint alliances and their treacheries. You will never see Venice in the same light again.
He shows us some evidence that these "Venetians" moved into Bavaria, Holland, and England in the mid to late 14th century due to the impending "discovery" of the New World. Their spiritual and behavioral cancer took root in those places and the effects are with us today...