Monday, May 13, 2024

Mae Brussell, Reinhard Gehlen and the JFK assassination


Mae Brussell fascism conspiracy Reinhard Gehlen Alan Dulles JFK assassination Nazi CIA ratlines Operation Sunrise Lee Harvey Oswald White Russians Dallas

The Essential Mae Brussell is a compilation of chilling essays and radio transcripts by the seminal American anti-fascist researcher, famously supported by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Mae Brussell was a married housewife with five children living in southern California before she took up the study of fascism in America. After the Kennedy assassination, she purchased the twenty-six-volume Warren Commission Report, and compiled, for herself, evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was, as he maintained after his arrest, a "patsy." She had a regular radio broadcast on KLRB, an independent FM radio station in Carmel, California. She also published articles in Paul Krassner's the Realist, Hustler, People's Almanac, and the Berkeley Barb. In 1983, Mae's hour-long program shifted to KAZU-FM in Pacific Grove, California, and she remained on the air weekly until her final broadcast in June 1988. On October 3, 1988, at sixty-six, Brussell died of cancer.

Mae Brussell fascism conspiracy Reinhard Gehlen Alan Dulles JFK assassination Nazi CIA ratlines Operation Sunrise Lee Harvey Oswald White Russians Dallas

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