Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Premier Wynne, stop telling parents what's best for their children

This week many parents are keeping their children home to protest the explicit sex "education." Unless the curriculum is changed or withdrawn, it will be taught starting this coming school year 2015-16. Premier Wynne continues to stand her ground telling parents participating in the "strike protest" that their children are missing out on classroom work on social studies, science and arithmetic. She tells parents that they are misinformed, and that the sex curriculum is not a political issue so parents shouldn't be criticizing the Liberal party. So, instead of listening to parents, she preaches to them with a condescending tone and continues to play politics with parents and the future lives of children. But she's wrong on all counts. Parents keeping their children home have it totally right. They have a democratic right to direct their children's education and the parental right to be their first educators, not mere partners with the government. The premier should stop telling parents what must be taught to their children. This is insulting and abusive.  (more...)

Heather Mallick says what Kathleen Wynne's really thinking:

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