Monday, June 2, 2014

Divorce Is Not Cool

Around March of 2013 I came across the words of a prominent LGBT activist named Masha Gessen:
“I have three kids who have five parents, more or less, and I don’t see why they shouldn’t have five parents legally… I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”
Imagine having five parents. Imaging going back and forth between all those households on a regular basis, never having a single place to call home during your most tender and vulnerable years. Imagine having divided Christmases, other holidays, and birthdays--you spend one with one parent, and another with the other parent, never spending a single holiday or birthday with both parents. Imagine having each of your parents completely ignore the other half of you, the other half of your family, as if it did not even exist. Meanwhile, imagine each parent pouring their energy into their new families and creating a unified home for their new children. These experiences give you the definite impression of being something leftover, something not quite part of them. You live like that on a daily basis for 18+ years.

I don’t have to imagine, because I had five parents.  (more...)

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