Saturday, August 10, 2024

Public Safety Lists Israeli ‘Torture Camp’ Minister As Key Contact


Itamar Ben-Gvir Canada Public Safety prisons torture rape sodomy depravity degeneracy politics

‘You have an Israeli ministry that’s systemically involved in the routine torture and abuse of Palestinians.’

A far-right Israeli minister openly encouraging the alleged torture, abuse, rape and killing of Palestinian detainees remains listed as a “key international contact” on Public Safety Canada’s (PSC) website.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, who currently serves as Israel’s minister of “national security,” recently joined crowds of Israeli citizens who attempted to storm a facility where nine Israeli troops were held over allegations of raping a Palestinian detainee.

The abuse was allegedly carried out by Israeli troops at the Sde Teiman prison, a newly created facility on a military base where media reports indicate that at least 36 Palestinian detainees have died, some likely as a result of torture — and with Ben-Gvir’s “instrumental” support. 

A CNN investigation reported systematic violence and abuse at the facility, where some Palestinian inmates have had limbs amputated due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing.

Other inmates, many of whom have not been charged with any crime, have reportedly been forced to wear diapers and be fed through straws, while others are regularly subjected to arbitrary beatings and psychological torture, according to whistleblowers.  (more...)

Public Safety Lists Israeli ‘Torture Camp’ Minister As Key Contact

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