Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How Pro-Israel Groups Shape Global Media Coverage of Palestine


Israel journalism influence mainstream media bias propaganda corruption influence censorship bribery narrative control

Should journalists go on propagandistic tours to Israel?

Western journalists are accepting trips to the Middle East organised by pro-Israel advocacy groups, it has emerged.

Reporters from the Spectator and Newsweek magazines and a Sunday Express correspondent were among “top flight journalists from across Europe” who the groups helped to visit Israel in June.

The five-day itinerary, seen by Declassified, promised briefings with a former Mossad chief, Israel’s state-owned arms company and soldiers serving in Gaza.

A government lawyer who defended Israel at the Hague and a minister from Benjamin Netanyahu’s hardline Likud Party were also on the line up.

It was organised by the Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA) in tandem with the America Middle East Press Association. 

Declassified understands that the groups offered to pay for travel and accommodation, although it is unclear which reporters accepted financial support. EIPA does not disclose its funders.

This author was invited on the trip but declined on ethical grounds and monitored its progress online instead.  (more...)

How Pro-Israel Groups Shape Global Media Coverage of Palestine


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