Saturday, August 17, 2024

Revocation of the JNF’s charitable status indicates massive shift in how Canada views the Israeli occupation


Canada Revenue Agency CRA JNF Jewish National Fund tax fraud charitable status Israel occupation genocide revocation

The revocation of the Jewish National Fund's and Ne’eman Foundation's charitable status suggests a massive shift is underway in how Canada views the illicit funding of West Bank settlements following the ICJ's opinion on the Israeli occupation.

It’s official. 

Two high-profile ‘proposal to revoke’ notices, published in the August 10, 2024, edition of the Canada Gazette, suggest a sea change may be underway within the charities enforcement arm of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The first revoked recipient, The Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNFC), is a long-time, Zionist, indoctrination apparatus that for decades has operated within Canadian Hebrew schools and places of worship. The JNFC has attempted to teach generations of Canadian Jews that planting trees atop the wreckage of former Palestinian villages is a spiritual, charitable, act, and has been an integral distorter of ancient Jewish value systems concerning community support and care. It operates as a Canadian charitable conduit for the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and the illegal settlements in the occupied territory. Under the auspices of greenwashing Palestinian ethnic cleansing efforts that have been foundational to building the state of Israel, the JNFC has moved tens of millions of dollars CDN in tax-deductible donations into the so-called Jewish state. 

The second proposed revocation was sent out to the Ne’eman Canada Foundation, which is presided over by Chaim Katz, the former mayor of Shilo, an illegal settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory. While its Israeli recipient base is less clear, Ne’eman operates as a charitable flow-through, specifically for Canadian private foundations – from which it receives the vast majority of its donations – looking to move their charitable donations into the illegal settlements. While Ne’eman operates on a smaller scale than does the JNFC, since its establishment in 2011 it has moved millions CDN into Israel.

While providing financial support to the Israeli military and the illegal settlements are both contraventions of the Income Tax Act, until this point the CRA has shown little appetite to revoke the charitable statuses of Zionist charities funneling money to the IDF or the illegal settlements, despite its duty to enforce its own mandate. Apparently, this is now changing.  (more...)

Revocation of the JNF’s charitable status indicates massive shift in how Canada views the Israeli occupation

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