Saturday, August 24, 2024

End tax breaks for ‘charities’ pushing genocide to save kids


Blue Box Jewish National Fund JNF Canada tax fraud charitable status revocation racism white supremacy Zionism indoctrination youth genocide

Help save the youth of America

Help save them from themselves

Help save the sun-tanned surfer boys

And the Californian girls – Billy Bragg

The Jewish National Fund losing its charitable should be celebrated by opponents of racism and colonialism as well as fiscal conservatives, Canadian nationalists and opponents of genocide. Even child welfare advocates should be applauding the Canada Revenue Agency’s revocation.

The JNF is an explicitly racist organization that has assisted the Israeli military and colonies in the West Bank. It’s appalling that all Canadians have subsidized its racism for the past 57 years.

Withdrawing the JNF’s ability to provide tax credits is also a win for those who care about kids. The JNF devotes significant energy to convincing young minds of its supremacist, genocidal, ideology.

Blue Boxes — tins for collecting money — have long been the mainstay of JNF youth outreach. Over the last century millions of them have been distributed around the world. An official description explained: “Since its debut in 1901 as JNF’s official fundraising pushke [collection box], the Blue Box has represented JNF and its efforts to develop the land and roads, build communities, strengthen agriculture and create water reservoirs in Israel. It is also a vehicle for educating Jewish youth and involving them in these efforts in order to foster their Zionistic spirit and inspire their support for the State of Israel. For many Jews, the Blue Box is bound up with childhood memories from home and the traditional contributions they made in kindergarten and grade school.”  (more...)

End tax breaks for ‘charities’ pushing genocide to save kids

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