Friday, August 23, 2024

New Research Updates on Companies and Countries Supplying Oil Fueling Palestinian Genocide Amid ICJ Rulings


fuel Israel Gaza genocide ICJ ruling occupation complicity oil Palestine war ethnic cleansing crimes against humanity oppression racism apartheid white supremacy

65 tankers of crude oil and refined petroleum products, including jet fuel, shipped to Israel since October

Updated findings from Data Desk, commissioned by Oil Change International, Behind the Barrel: New Insights into the Countries and Companies Behind Israel’s Fuel Supply, reveal continued and expanded oil supply fueling Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Building on data released in March, countries and companies continue to fuel Israel’s war machine, despite the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) opinion from January, stating Israel is plausibly committing genocide and Palestinians in Gaza have plausible rights under the Genocide Convention and from July, stating the occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful. This updated analysis highlights the ongoing complicity of these countries and companies. As more and more Palestinians are killed in bombings and pressure intensifies on global leaders, including US presidential candidates, to end the genocide, these suppliers continue to enable the violence.  (more...)

New Research Updates on Companies and Countries Supplying Oil Fueling Palestinian Genocide Amid ICJ Rulings

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