Friday, October 3, 2014

Anatomy of a child-porn bust

A Florida boy is rescued by police, a month before Christmas, from a sexual tormentor who shoots images of the abuse and trades them online. They’re found in a Londoner’s possession. Other kids are plucked from harm’s way. Only now, with Eli Portillo behind bars, can the tangled web that began with the seizure of the Londoner’s cache of child porn — spawning a far-flung investigation — be explained.

Eli Portillo, an El Salvadoran immigrant living in London, was looking for far more than just a sexually charged conversation — he wanted to keep filling an insatiable appetite for child sex.

By the time the London police, U.S. Homeland Security, and police forces around the world had peeled back some of the layers of the London man’s network, five children were rescued.

It all began with a nine-year-old Florida boy, found just a month before Christmas last year after London police helped track him down and local authorities plucked him from harm’s way. He’d been sexually abused by an older brother, a child himself, with the images traded online with Portillo.

Fuelled by the digital depravity of the Internet, child-porn cases have exploded in numbers — both for police forces and the justice system. In London, the cases flow through the courts every week.

The Portillo case — not the biggest police have ever seen — was different.  (more...)

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