Friday, October 3, 2014

‘Gay Catholic’ groups converge on Rome for Synod on the Family

As pro-family and pro-life advocates gather in Rome this week to have their voices heard during the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family, so too are the world’s homosexualist leaders.

“LGBT” Catholic activists from Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Portugal, the US, Chile, Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland and Russia, Italy and Britain are expected to participate in a series of conference, forums and press gatherings sponsored by a wide array of well-funded international organisations, including the European Union.

A coalition of “Italian Christian LGBT groups” organised by the Forum of Homosexual, Bisexual and Transsexual Italian Christians (FCOI) will attend the “Lets’s witness our hope,” forum this weekend, October 4-5, at Centro Pellegrini Santa Teresa Couderc, in Rome. They look forward to exchanging “experiences and testimonies on the theme of ‘faith and homosexuality,’” and to “lay the foundations for the future in our churches.”  (more...)

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