Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trudeau government refuses to release the names of 900 Nazi war criminals, for fear it would damage NATO-Ukraine war on Russia


Trudeau Nazi war criminals Canada immigration Ukraine Waffen SS Galicien Division fascists collaborators Holocaust ratlines cover-up whitewashing secrecy deception NATO

In defiance of the demands of historians, Holocaust survivors and public opinion, Canada’s Liberal government is suppressing an almost four-decade-old secret report that identified some 900 Nazi war criminals who had lived, or were then living, in Canada.

This outrageous decision is motivated by fear that the exposure of the identities of the Nazis and Nazi collaborators would damage the NATO-instigated war on Russia over Ukraine.

Supporters of the report’s suppression have justified it in the name of countering “Russian disinformation.”

What a fraud! It is the Canadian state that is burying the truth. It fears exposure of Canadian imperialism’s three-quarters-of-a-century-long alliance with the Ukrainian fascists who collaborated with the Nazis in the commission of monstrous crimes, including the Holocaust, during their self-proclaimed “war of annihilation” against the Soviet Union.

This alliance continues—indeed, it is even more important today—with the Canadian state and ruling class closely collaborating with the political-ideological descendants of the Nazis’ Ukrainian accomplices in both Canada and Ukraine.  (more...)

Trudeau government refuses to release the names of 900 Nazi war criminals, for fear it would damage NATO-Ukraine war on Russia

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