Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Silent Architects: How British Intelligence Engineered the Ottoman Fall


Ottoman Empire Young Turks destabilization Britain France freemasonry Mazzini Palmerston Armenian genocide Balkan Wars

In the lecture "Palmerston Launches Young Turks to Permanently Control the Middle East," Joseph Brewda offers an in-depth analysis of how British intelligence, under the direction of Lord Palmerston, played a pivotal role in the rise of the Young Turks and the eventual collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Brewda meticulously traces the connections between British imperial ambitions, Masonic lodges, and Zionist movements that influenced the course of history in the Middle East.

The lecture begins with the 1908 coup, where the Committee for Union and Progress, also known as the Young Turks, overthrew the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and seized control. Brewda explains how the Young Turks, once in power, adopted nationalist ideologies like Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism, aimed at uniting all Turkic and Muslim peoples under one empire. These policies, however, led to severe ethnic tensions and contributed to the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and the outbreak of World War I, where the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany.

Brewda goes on to highlight the manipulative strategies of British intelligence in guiding nationalist movements, using figures like Arminius Vambery and Wilfred Blunt to promote Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism, thus weakening Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The lecture also details the Armenian Genocide of 1915, during which the Young Turks orchestrated the massacre of around one million Armenians, further destabilizing the empire.

The lecture addresses how British and French forces planned to partition the Ottoman Empire through agreements like the Sykes-Picot Agreement, drastically reducing Turkey’s size and influence while controlling strategic territories in the Middle East. Brewda delves into the role of Emmanuel Carasso, a key figure in the Young Turk movement and the Masonic lodge "Macedonia Resurrected," as well as the influence of Zionist leaders like Vladimir Jabotinsky in shaping the future of the region.

This lecture offers a comprehensive look at how British imperial tactics, coupled with nationalist movements, reshaped the political landscape of the Middle East, leading to long-lasting consequences that are still felt today. Brewda’s meticulous research makes this an essential watch for anyone interested in the history of the Ottoman Empire, British intelligence, and the roots of modern Middle Eastern conflicts.


The Silent Architects: How British Intelligence Engineered the Ottoman Fall

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